***LeoDogClub & MI-MER DogClub***
K-9 Leo dog training club & Mi-mer dog training club /professional dog training/kennels /pansion and dogs seling/import-export quality dogs from all races
More of 23 years
experience of dog psyhology -comportmant and training,
more of 1600 dogs trained from all of races , dogs special to k-9 SWAT and k-9 patrol,real technic and tactic,sports technic,agility,guidedogs,S&R ,one of first pionner in real technic and taktik method "Change attack on arms by dog in diferent condition of stres" and best eficence dogs find&bite in real aplication ..and much more...
TALOS SHOW-To protect and to serve
please clik on last 3 photo ...for more information about k9 SWAT! next...Mi-mer dog training club web ..
next web Mi-Mer
next web K-9 Leo
fax:+902327590618/for Turkey + 90 5364722186 mobile cell or direct patron of MI-Mer dog training club Izmir/Turkey : Ms.Ayse Gul Yavas +905376188449
(c) by LeoDogClub
*Professional dogs trainer instructor: BUDAU TIBERIU AUREL
Atestated by Romanian Dogs Asociation -Timisoara and Romanian Utilitary Dogs Club -Dogs trainer instructor with "Excelent"calificativ,Schutzhund National vicechampions 1987,implicated in conception form,develop,purpose and exam for dog trainer instructor in Local Dog Asociation and National Utilitary Dogs Club first exam in my contry to this high level ,Local vicechampion juniors in handbal 1986 and reqognized by Romanian Asociation for Person with Handicap-Timisoara in training guidedogs (Suntem la fel!)first dog trainer instructor implicate in form one dogs school for people with handicap and blind people(Sarbatoarea Vinului prima editie- organizata de BTA Leo Company srl),colaboration and aplication with local Police Department in corect tehnik-tactik aplication in real training dogs and in form K-9 unit /and form " 4 " best private security service with dogs in my city/Manager of Sc BTA Leo Company srl -private dogs school and club,first in Romania in K-9SWAT aplication from helicopter-airplane and corect aplication technik-tactik and psychology for dogs in SWAT Team,sergent-paratroops in Romanian Special Forces in 1989 and implication in one of the best Police Forum (USA)with my experience in real technik-tactik-psychology aplication/and first in aplication- organisation Agility open with standard obstacle exams in my contry and many TV Show Dogs behaviour corection,education and many interviev and coments about training dogs psychology-tehnik-tactik-protection,corect corection of dogs behaviour in newspapper and in the best dogs catalog from Romania/technic director of ex Super Kennels from Turkey/now ..technic director /chef dog trainer to Mi-Mer dog training club Izmir/Turkey....and of course developed non-standard real technik-tactik by my experience and corect aplication for k9 Police unit in patrol,excelent dog psychogy aplication in obedience and decoy /and my personal german shepard dog LEO was one the best dog trained by me ,more of 70 comands (1984-1997)..and in memoriam i dedicated all my activity and passion in this work and school "LEO" /Sc BTA LEO Company srl /atestated by Romanian Chamber Comerce.
Thank you!With all my respect ,
For more information or suport please contact me by e-mail or phone.