(Ceratophrys Ornata)
Aka. Pac-man Frog, Argentine Horned Frog, Bell Horned Frog
Last Updated: May 25, 1999
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Ceratophrys ornata Bell's ornated horned frog Argentine horned frog octaploid of chacoan horned frog Ceratophrys cranwelli Chacoan horned frog Very similar to Bell's horned frog but his color is brownish not greenish Diploid Ceratophrys cornuta Surinam horned frog He has large horn than other ceratophrys Ceratophrys calcarata Colombian horned frog Similar to cornuta but his leg is shorter Ceratophrys aurita Brazillian horned frog Largest horned frog pac man crickets worms fish terarrium glass terrarium pac man amphibian