Paul Budd

{Item #7} 10/11/2008: Wanna see some cute kids?

{Item #6} 10/11/2008: Look immediately below for a link to my performance calendar.

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{Item #5} 9/21/2008: I've neglected my site for way too long. I'm focusing on putting meaningful content here, so you'll have a reason to come back often. I've drifted away from music a little bit lately (way too busy with life). However, this site is devoted to my two hobbies: music and magic. So, feel free to visit my blog here.

{Item #4} 6/14/2008: It has been a criminally long time since I updated this site, BUT if you happen to like Quenacho [who doesn't, right?] (and speak a little German [I don't]), this video may be of interest to you.

Site #3 (added 9/24/2006): Use the banner below to link to of the finest sites on the internet for sheet music.....they've got both "weird" selections and normal selections for all you boring-types out there.

Site #2 (added 3/27/2006): Not that I'm a total ragtime freak, but you will read some interesting dialogue about the topic at the ragtime newsgroup......take a look.

So, how about site #1? It is, appropriately:, home of Experimental Musical Instruments.

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{Shameless plug intended to feed my own ego}: Use the hyper-text link just below to view my page/hear my music at Artist page: Paul Budd