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Cedar Hills Miniature Dachshunds

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We raise ONLY dachshunds and feel that our puppies are among the BEST!!

"Variety Pack"
Original Pastel by "Judi Rideout"

From Left to right: Scruffy, Ribbons, Ch. Lil Max is laying down then JoJo, Becky, Wendy, then CH. Silver Shadow.


All of our puppies are raised underfoot in the clear mountain air with lots of tender loving care. All colors and coat varieties available for show and pet homes!

Click Here for our latest show wins and our NEW



This year we hope to do even better with some dapples and black and tans from our own breeding. We strive for personality, conformation and quality in our puppies. We presently have all three coats and several colors including brindles, chocolates, and chocolate dapples. Reds, black and tans, and black and tan dapples remain our favorites.


Our Champions

Our Females

Our Males


Our Beginnings

Web Rings, Links

In Memory of......



"A Budget Iditarod Team" or "Miniature Mushers!"


Cedar Hills Dachshunds
Box 262 Sagle, Idaho 83860
Contact us anytime! Email: Cedar Hills!



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