Todays Date:

Novemeber 11th, 1998

Submitted By: Kristen;

Welcome to MinPinTalk's Scrapbook

This page is dedicatd to all my Friends, the members of the MinPinTalk E-Mail list. Here are our memories, our stories, our photographs, Our Crazy Min Pin Lives.

Hope you enjoy your time here.


"At times our own light goes out and is
rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep
gratitude of those who have lighted the flame
within us."
-Albert Schweitzer


Members Photos and short stories

MinPinTalk Events Calendar

MinPinTalk Show Photos

MinPinTalk Obedience & Agility Photos

MinPinTalk's Giggle Page

Our Cyber Story

MinPin Family "Pins" Our Cyber Map

A big Thank You to Janet O`Brien for creating our Map!!

MinPinTalk "Get Togethers"

MinPinTalk Delevery Room, Pictorial Story showing the birth of MinPin Puppies.


Training Tips & Min Pin safety Advice

Heath Care Tips

MinPinTalk's Art Gallery


E-Mail Hall of Fame

Fun Stuff and Pet Merchandise

Prayer Page

Our Special Friends On Rainbow Bridge

**The "Bridge" page is owned and maintained by Tina, please make submissions to

Ready, Set, Click!By © Debi Davis 1997

List members Web pages

**The "List Memeber Links" page is owned and maintained by Tina, please make submissions to

The Min Pins of MinPinTalk

**The "MinPin Photos" page is owned and maintained by Teresa W., please make submissions to


MinPin Data Base

**The "MinPin Data Base" page is owned and maintained by Jason & Terri, please send comments to


Terri's Book Store

MinPinTalk's Award Page

The Scrap Book pages are owned and maintained by T. Snider. If you find broken links or material along with your name you would like removed please contact me.

(pages noted with ** are not owned or maintained by T. Snider)