Valerie Hirvela
6230 Virginia Lane
Seffner, Florida 33584
(813) 626-0066
I raise show quality Silkie Bantams in the following varieties:
Bearded Silkies,
Black Bearded Silkies,
Blue Bearded Silkies,
Buff Bearded Silkies,
Partridge Bearded Silkies,
and Splash Bearded Silkies.
I also raise show quality Standard Black Naked Necks and Buckeye Bantams. I sell my poultry as adult pairs or trios only. I'm sorry but I cannot sell chicks.
You may contact me by phone or mail but I prefer that you email me, Valerie Hirvela, at vhirvela@tampabay.rr.com .
Here are a few of my favorite links:
The American Silkie Bantam Club The American Silkie Bantam Club's Yahoo Discussion Group Surfing With Silkies: Silkie Sites on the InternetReturn to Surfing With Silkies