Dani 1999
Hi, my name is Dani and I am 14 years old. I have had some severe delays in my development, and am only about 4 mentally, but I am the friendliest girl in the world. I love Girl Scouts, sports, and animals.

You can see some gifts that my internet friends made for my birthday by going to my Birthday Page.

I am a Cadette Girl Scout, and our cookie sales are in full swing! I'm working on my prerequisites for a possible Silver Award project.

You can see what my troop is up to by clicking on the Girl Scout.

I just finished my 8h season of baseball this summer, as a Brave, again. I also play basketball (this will be my 3rd year). I play on special teams in the Challenger division.
This division is for children with different abilities.
I also bowl, and have an average of 93.

dani baseball 2000

I really love animals, and I live on a farm. I have 7 goats, a pig, a lot of chickens, 4 dogs, 4 cats, and a 3 foot Ball Python.

You can see the animal pictures I am collecting, by clicking on the horse to go to my cyber-farm

if you can catch him.



designs by Dani