The Ferret Garage - Nemesis and Rick
Ms Elizabeth
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My name is "Nemesis" , I have two other sisters, they are Rogue and Elizabeth.  At first the other humans only wanted to sell Rogue and me. But our new daddy did not want to break the three of us.  You see my older sister Elizabeth has Cancer. **SAD UPDATE** MS. Elizabeth  has  gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Daddy misses her but, He explained to us that she is no longer in pain and we will one day all be reunited.  We miss her. The name Ferret Garage comes from our mommy, daddy was wondering what to call our site and he asked her. She said call it this and he liked, so did we.  All I ask from him is to keep it. Till then keep coming back to check our site for photos and email Daddy at if you have any questions

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This Ferrets and Pets site is owned by
Rick,Kim and Heather.

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