Now if you want to contact any of us you can write to Borderhall Kennels, 11234 Sam Lee Rd, Knoxville TN 37932 USA.  Or you can contact us quicker if you email to our Mum (everyone else calls her Karen) at

Borderhall Kennels is also the official US distributor for Cottee Puppy Milk products.
To find out more about Cottee Puppy Milk click here
Borderhall Kennels is also the official US distributor for BreedMate Pro pedigree software for dogs and cats and the Hawkeye software for Horses.
To find out more about BreedMate products click here

         Welcome to

Borderhall Kennels is currently home to us four footed, furry critters named Chess, Misty, Merlin, Paddington, Bethany.  We share our lives with our two legged Mum, Karen.  For those of you we haven't met yet we are all Border Collies.  Wizard and Panda used to live here too but infortunately they disappeared from the yard last year and even though we searched and searched noone knows where they went.  Samantha has gone to live with her new Mom in Idaho.  Our beautiful boy McLeod is finally resting in peace after a long illness.

We used to live in Waddy, Kentucky surrounded by woods and dairy farms.  Recently we moved to Knoxville in Tennessee and still there are cows next door.  Misty and Merlin love to roll in what those cows leave behind but for some reason Mum is not too happy with that little activity.

Life for us Border Collies is pretty good here and we spend our days running through the woods and the creek, checking on those darn cattle and just lounging around while Mum works on that darn computer.  Then we also spend some of our time doing other fun things like herding, agility, obedience and showing in the conformation ring.  Last time we got together and counted it all up we had over 12 titles bewteen us from two different countries.

This is one of our favourite places at is the old barn next door....there are some little critters that live in the floor but we have not been able to find out what they are yet!  How about that snow too????  Sure is pretty here!

Top Row left to right Panda, Wizard, Paddington and Merlin
Bottom Row left to right Chess, Meg, Samantha and Misty

CH Borderwind Kentucky Gold

Now to introduce oursleves properly

About time I got a turn to say hi........waiting on these grown ups takes forever.......well my name is Paddington.  My Mum named me after Paddington Bear as I am about the same colour.  I was born on the  7th May, 1998 at Borderwind Kennels here in Kentucky.  Gave my breeder a fright I can tell you as he though my brother and I were white puppies.....not too many people over here had seen a red & white BC.  That is the gold colour NOT the chocolate colour you are used to over here.  We started life out very pale and as we grew our colour got darker.  Now everyone stops to talk to me at shows as they just LOVE my great colour.

Aust/Amer CH Fedorlace The Proclaimer CD NA CGC

As I am the oldest I will go first.  My name is least that is what I answer to most of the time.....but they tell me my other name is Australian and American Champion Fedorlace The Proclaimer CD NA HIC CGC......pretty fancy hey?  Anyway I was born on the 10th November, 1989 at Fedorlace Kennels in Sydney, Australia.  As you can see from my photo I am a pretty handsome black & white fellow.  I got my Australian Championship title at just under 2 years of age with 7 challenges and I also had a Best in Group award as well.  My best result was at 8 years of age when I won Best In show at the Southern Districts Country Border Collie Club Open show.

Click here to see Paddy's page

Well I finished my Championship title at the Niagra Falls shows with a 3 point major.  My first major was a 5 point one.........getting a decent entry of Border Collies these days has been hard to do but we made it.  Mind you with my colour I sure have made a few judges go check their standard. 

Anyway if you are around the show rings any time drop by and say should have no trouble recognising me.  BTW for those interested my Dad is a Blue & White BC known as "Jordie" or Aust/Amer/PR/Int'l/World Ch Goldentone Blue Illusion HIC and my Mum is  Black & White and her name is "Magic" or Amer/PR/Int'l/World CH Borderhall Wind Dancer.  So if I have it right  that makes Chess my Granddad and Merlin is my Uncle :c)

Well this year Mum tells me that now I have finished my Championship we are going to learn how to do agility as well as some more herding......... you should see me crouch........just like the real Border Collie that I am! 

I came to the USA with Mum and at my first show, which was the 1st Border Collie National, I was Reserve Winners dog to my son Merlin.  I also won the Stud Dog class and was 1st in 20" Novice Agility there as well.  I then finished my Championship title only being beaten by Merlin for my points.  At 8 1/2 years of age I finished my Novice Obedience title (CD) and my Novice Agility (NA).  I have one leg for my Novice Jumpers but due to my age and the occassional sore shoulder I have now retired from agility.

Click here to see more about Chess

Aust/Amer CH Borderhall Soul Mate

My name is Merlin and my fancy name is Aust/Amer CH Borderhall Soul Mate HIC.  I was born on the 13th June, 1995 at Borderhall Kennels in Sydney, Australia.  As you can see from my photo I take after my Dad.  I followed in Dad's footsteps and also got my Australian Championship title with 7 Challenges and a Best in Group. 

When we came to the USA my first show here was the 1st Border Collie National and there I managed to charm the judge enough that he gave me Winners Dog and Best of Winners and so I got my first 5 points.  I then went to my next two shows and got Best of Breed both days to get my US Chapmionship title in my first 3 shows which they tell me not too many Border Collies have done.

The last two years showing here in the USA  has been  fun and I have been to lots of shows.  I won Best of Breed at Westminster Kennel Club in 1998....boy was that ever nerve wracking!  At last years National I was first award of merit.  I also had 15 group placements in 1999 and was the only completely breeder/owner/handled Border Collie to place in the top 10 for the last two 1998 I was number 3 breed and all breed and in 1999 I was number 4 in breed and number 5 in all breeds.

I also qualified for my first leg towards my first herding title at the National last Mum and I just have to find another herding trial to go to to finish that one.

American Ch Borcat Superstar

Hi there.....I am the other Black & White kid on the block and my name is Samantha....I also answer to Sammy.  I joined Mum at Borderhall Kennels just before we made the longggg......trip to the USA from Australia in 1998.  I was born on the 4th April, 1996 at Borcat Kennels just outside of Canberra, Australia.
Since coming to the USA I spent some time having fun in the show ring and got my American Championship title only being beaten on one occassion by Panda.  I  have since had some very beautiful children and you may see some of them somewhere in the show, herding, obedience or agility rings.

Last year  I went to the National and got the second Award of Merit......not too bad after a year out of the ring :c) Thats my win photo over there.  I was shown beautifully by Jennifer Fish who is a Junior handler so I think we did a great job together.

Now I live in Idaho with my new Mom, Carol and a very handsome blue boy named Thief .....but I still remember my mates at Borderhall.
My two littlest kids still at Borderhall are Bethany and McCleod both of whom have been very ill.  After a lot of trips to the vet and lots of research it looks like they have Lymes disease.

Merlin doing what comes naturally

Click here to see more on Merlin

Best of Breed at Westminster 1998

Aust/Amer Ch Windygyle Hallmark HT

Borderhall Little Bitof Soul

Hi name is Bethany.  My Dad is Merlin who is CH Borderhall Soul Mate and I am named after him as I am just a little bit of a thing....hence Borderhall Little Bitof Soul.  As my Mum, Sammy,  told you I have been very sick.  The vet originally thought that I have had Encephalitis (I think I spelled that right.... after all I am only a little girl!).  I had 3 relapses early on and the end result is that I am very small, have lost most of my hearing and have a problem with recurring Colitis and a sinus problem.  Now after my brother also got sick and lots more tests they think we may be suffering from Vaccinosis.
Anyway I am VERY small but everyone thinks I am cute.  Possibly due to the illness I may always be very small.....I am about the size of a Sheltie even at 2 years of age.  Anyway just so you know I am black & white, have pricked ears and one blue eye.  Someone asked the other day if I was blind 'cause they saw my blue eye.....the answer to that I am not....I see just fine.

Hi!.... now it is a chance for us girls to have a say.  My name is Misty on account of my lovely blue colour.  My other name is Australian and American Champion Windygyle Hallmark HT.  I was born at Windygyle Kennels in Canberra, Australia.  For those who do not know that is the capital of Australia.  They tell me it used to be a sheep station now it is home to some nice people and LOTS of politicians....... personally I prefer the sheep!

Click here to see more about Bethany

After I gained my Australian Championship title I came to the USA with Mum and at the 1st Border Collie National I was Reserve Winners Bitch.  My famous Dad was Best of Breed......that is Aust/Amer Ch Nahrof First Edition CD.  I finished my American Champion title in 1998 and now I am training for obedience, agility  and more herding.  I got my first pass for my HT title at the 2nd National and completed my HT at the 3rd National.   The photo here is of me with Mum and the judge(Mr Hubert Bailey) that I got my title under at the National

PS. I have a special thank you to Megan, Leslye and Dudley Skelton for helping me in my herding training.  It was fun staying with them and learning how to control their sheep in South Carolina.

Borderhall The Highlander

16 August, 1999 - 6 February, 2000

Although my beautiful little boy McCleod was only with us for such a short time he bought a lot of joy.  At 8 weeks of age and exactly 10 days after his first vaccination Mac got ill with the same symptoms as Bethany.  After lots of trips to the Vet and days of varying illness we finally got a blood test done that showed a positive titre for Lymes Disease although the reading was questionable.  He was on antobiotics however it was all too much.  He took very ill again and I had to make the very difficult decision to end his in peace my brave boy

To see more about Misty click here

American Ch Borderhall Blue Panda

Some other Borderhall Relatives

Hi everyone,

It is very hard to change this section of this web page as at this time I have no idea of where my lovely blue girl is.  Last year she and her brother Wizard disappeared out of my yard.  The last that was seen of them was by one of my neighbours who told me that he saw them running down the back road together.  Since then noone has seen them at all.  I went knocking from door to door, placed adds in the local shops, the local newspaper and on local radio.  Dispite extensive searching I have not been able to find out anything.

Loosing my special blue children has left a huge hole here at Borderhall Kennels that can never be filled.  I just hope that wherever my kids are that they are being well looked after.

The other furkids related to those here at Borderhall are:

Chess's kids:

Amer/PR/Int'l/Wrld Ch Borderhall Wind Dancer "Magic" owned by Dr Jaime Montalvo, KY
Ch Sterling Scout "Scout" owned by Betty Belliveau & Terry Sadler, MA
Ch Sterling Mick HT OA NJWW "Mick" owned by Margaret Mark, MI
Borderhall Knights Memry CD  "Nike" who lives in Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
Jazzlan Force Of Destruction  "Falcon" owned by Mark & Jennifer Pulliam, KY

Merlin's kids:

Ch Borderhall Black Diamond "Moffat" owned by Nanette Wright and Karen Hall, OH
Borderhall Highmark Megastar "Meg" owned by Margaret Mark, MI (major pointed)
Ch Borderhall Dixie of Montvue "Dixie" owned by Nancy Eichel & Pat Hodges, WV
Borderhall Wish Upon A Star  "Tandy" owned by Dr Dawn Monroe, AL
Borderhall Little Bitof Soul "Bethany" owned by Karen Hall, KY
Borderhall Monte Cassino "Cassino"owned by Frank & Phyllis LoBue, MA (major pointed)
Borderhall Soul Sorceress "Maggie" owned by Mary & Sarah Stegemann, NY
Ch Jenaid Thief of Hearts "Thief" owned by Carol Green, ID (Thief is Blue & White)
Ch Jenaid Scene Stealer "Kelly" owned by Chris Peach, VA
Ch Silon Sorcerers Apprentice "Mason" owned by James & Heidi Smith, NY
Ch Silon Skye Blue By Design "Skye" owned by James & Heidi Smith, NY (Skye is a blue merle)
Silon Magic In The Myst  "Hannah" owned by James & Heidi Smith, NY (Hannah is a blue merle)

American Ch Borderhall Blue Wizard

Hi there....this  is Wizard and he finished his American Championship title in 1998 exactly  one week after his sister Panda AND under the same judge would you believe???   I want to say a BIG thank you to Wizard's other Mom  Terry Sadler for looking after Wizard so well when he was up in Massachusettes for awhile.  Terry put quite a few points on Wizard while he was up there.  I know that he is missed in the Sadler household just as much as he is here at Borderhall.

Click here to see Mick's page

Click here to see Magic's page

Click here to see Thief's page

Click here to see Kelly's page

Click here to see Skye's page

Click here to see Mason's page

Just so people still know some true facts Wizard did sire one litter of all blue & white puppies.  Of the 7 pups in the litter 5 of them were effected by Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) so we know that Wizard was a carrier.  From knowing the lines that Wizard was from I know that he got the CEA gene from his mother who is my blue girl Misty.  For this reason Misty will not be bred from again unless we have a DNA test for CEA.  I will continue to support the research in CEA and all my dogs...adults and puppies are tested for CEA.

I want to encourage all those breeders out there to have their dogs CERF'ed (eye checked in other countries outside the USA) and only breed from clear dogs.  Also check your puppies at between 6 and 10 weeks of age with a qualified Opthamologist and let the results be known.....we need to work together to get rid of this problem in our lovely breed.

Now to view the rest of our web page please scroll back to the top and scroll over to the right to see everyone else.