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Hi! My name is Roscoe, I am a 6 year old black Labrador Retriever living in Texas. Have you heard of Navy Brats? Well I am a Navy Lab brat ( wag ). My mom rescued me from the pound in Green River, Wyoming when I was just 8 weeks old, I am very loyal to her for that. I now have a wonderful family with my mom, Kelly, and my dad, Tom. I adopted my mom's 2 kids as my own. Their names are Amber and T.J. They are alot of fun, plus they let me sleep in their beds (wag). I am adding some pictures of me so you can see just how handsome I am. And, I am adding some Labrador Links that I like to visit. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please add your pawprints to my guestbook (wag). |
Me and my mom Kelly |
Me, the handsome dude that I am. |
Am I good-looking or what? |
Me and my kids |
Encyclopedia of canine veterinary medical info |
Animal Den - this Animal Lovers Gift Shop is highly recommended. Great products, top service, five stars. |
Labrador Retriever Rescue contacts |
Click here for brand name petsupplies from PetnetOutlet |
Coat color predictor service for Labs |
AcmePet Labrador Bulletin Board |
Labrador Retriever breed standard |
Canine vaccine schedule |
Cheaper Than Dirt! |
SitStay.com |
Being in the Military can be hard, with all the moving and the seperations from your dad or husband when duty calls. My mom tries her best to keep our family happy, so here is a little story I found and had her write down, for my paws are to big to allow me to type on the keyboard. For my mom and all Military wives out there, just click here to go. |
good site!! |
Email me :-) |
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