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Quincys' Page
This page is devoted to my rescue pup Quincy, as you can see by his pictures, he is a real mutt, I say this as a compliment!
Here,with his feline sister Camilla, Quincy shows he learned all about the meaning of 'creature comforts'!
I took him on vacation to NJ three weeks after his rescue.  There, he met his cousin Polly, also a rescue pup.  She is a  sweet Shep/Huskey/Collie??? mix.  Together, they ran on the beach and Quincy jumped right into the bay and went swimming!  What a dog-paddle this pup has!
His feline brother Ripley, is a 10 year old Maine Coon we found shot 9 years ago.  He has fully recovered and is  the sweetest cat!  Ripley is the 'boss' in the house.  He seems greatful that Quincy is around to play with Camilla.  Chase scenes and play-fighting are a nightly routine. you can almost set your watch by them--at 6:45 they must hear the starting bell.  Ripley casually moves out of the way and observes from a distance.
I am saddened to say that on August 21, 2000, Ripley went to wait for us at "The Rainbow Bridge". He will forever be in our hearts.
His first gift from his dad Tom, was a dog bed, he has since given it to Camilla and sleeps in bed with his folks--go figure!  Of course, there is a nightly race to obtain bed space.  As soon as the TV is switched off, Quincy is running, full speed to reserve his spot!
After months of obedience training, Quincy has learned all about puppyhood.  He has his own pup-to-pup advice column & newsletter!
Although I have had a number of dogs in my life prior to Quincy, he has taught me alot about dogs and unconditional love.  He has proved to me that no matter how poorly his life started, he still is able to be extremely loving and trusting.  My best description of him:  HE IS A HEART, WRAPPED IN FUR!  for this, I am forever grateful to him! UPDATE: In 2003, Quincy became the News 14 Carolina Dog Of The Year! Check out http://www.jcapl.org click on Quincy's picture and see what he has accomplished as a celebrity in his community.
By Clicking "NEXT"  it will give you a tour of every page, so you won't miss a beat!"  Thank-Q for visiting!    :-)
Dear Quincy...
Email me by clicking here
NEXT!!!  Click here so you don't miss anything-Pup-to-Pup Advice!
Thanks for stopping by, please return for updates and lots more pictures of me and my friends.  Love, Quincy :-)
Question of the Week:
Buying a Pet--Is a Petstore a good place to look?
Before you shop for your family member, think twice and click here.
Memory Lane, the past, but not forgotten...
Hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina hard, a dogs' view...
"Welcome At Rainbow Bridge"      September 11, 2001