Pasofarm is located in the beautiful Mississippi River bluffs of west central Illinois. We hope you find this site entertaining as well as helpful. Currently, along with grain farming , we raise Peruvian Paso and Rocky Mountain Pleasure horses and gaited paso mules; plus collect antique John Deere tractors and equipment.I have raised horses on our farm for over 25 years. I don't show, but just enjoy trail riding and raising foals. Since I like to ride long hours, I have found that gaited horses are definitely the way to go! The Peruvian Pasos have sweet, people-loving personalities, smooth as silk rides, and plenty of energy to go all day long. In my travels, I have met several people that ride mules and they always talk about how wonderful mules are. I decided to breed a few of my mares to a well-gaited mammoth jack. I have raised several beautiful gaited paso mules and fell in love with their sweet dispositions and intelligence.

Whether we are riding horses or tractors or 4 wheelers (his personal favorite), our dog Andy is always ready to go. He'll spend all day playing with the horses or running in the woods and still be full of energy when night falls. He is definitely one of the most unique dogs you will ever encounter. So, spend some time looking around the site and if you would like to learn more about our farm and/or hobbies, search the drop-down menu above and contact us!
My husband, not being the horse lover that I am, has started a hobby of collecting antique John Deere tractors and equipment. The collection is constantly changing, mostly with addition of more tractors! Occasionally, one will be sold, but according to him, they are almost as hard to part with as a horse, especially after restoring them.
Andy, the farm manager