Hi, my name is vickie, known to those that chat with me as ViVkie *S*

Just a few of the poems I wrote, hope you enjoy them!
Now I lay me down to sleep
on a soft and lonely cloud.
Next to me, on a table sits a jar
where feelings are stored inside.

I reach for it, unscrew the lid
and look way down inside
the walls are stained ith tracks fo tears
and thoughts of things gone by.

I'll fill this jar with all the things,
hidden deep inside my heart.
And keep them safe from cloud and rain,
till they're needed once again.

Was not so very long ago,
these feelings brought me bliss.
But now is all but just a dream.
Your love I'll surely miss.

Carefully I place my passion in,
with longing and seductiveness.
then pull this banner off my chest,
and in goes all my pride.

The last to go, I take a deep breath,
My hand does start to shake.
For this is the biggest one of all.
I drop in all my love.

Screw on the lid, but not too tight,
now every feeling secure.
Keep them safe....Keep them close,
beside me in the night.

One day will come, I know not when,
a special someone who cares,
will reliese these feelings back to my heart,
and I'll start to live again.


Where are those dreams?
Was only yesterday seemed so real.
What happened to my faith?

Like a lark with broken wings,
I sit defenseless.
Unable to move.
Frozen in the wake of fear,
not knowing how to continue.

Will some ray of hope shine down from above and show me the way?

Its disappeared into the dark of night.

Only the silence remains.

VAE March 2001