Our Home Is Filled With Love...
Welcome to the new and improved homepage.  Greg and I wanted to provide a better way to browse through our family photographs and stories.  We hope everyone finds the new format easier.  Please e-mail us with your questions and comments.
Love all around, Tracey and Greg
The Family Dogs...
Schroeder     Lillah     Chapman     Whisper     Farley
The Family Cats...
OliveKitty     Maples     CoffeeCat     Poppy     Nettles
The Family Guinea Pigs...
Dexter     GarciaBaby     Reesey
Tracey and Greg...
Biographies     Beliefs     Weekly Happenings     Awards     Links     Memorials
Black and White Photography Portfolio      Tracey's Family     Greg's Family
Animal Health Information...
Lillah's Degenerative Joint Disease     Chapman's Skin Problems
Guinea Pig Bladder Stones       Animal Diets
Lillah's Cruciate Ligament Rupture Repair Surgery
Lillah's Second Cruciate Ligament Rupture Repair Surgery
Please adopt from your local shelter, rescue, or stray animal organization.  And please Spay or Neuter your pets.