Hi, My name is Asia the Cat

My interests are:
cats mice friends sunshine
Hi. My name is Asia the Cat. I was born in 1989 in Chicago, Illinois. When I was just a little kitten I got lost in a back alley. A very nice lady found me and took me home to live with her family. In 1993 we moved to Pittsburg, California.

I only weigh about four pounds. My favorite things are eating and sitting in the sunshine.

My best friend lives across the street. His name in Spooky Mulder. The thing I like best about him is that he's good at catching mice.

Please sign my guestbook and tell me about you and your cat, if you have one.



Asia the Cat.

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My Favorite Web Sites

The Weather in Pittsburg, California

My Favorite Baseball Team, the Tigers

My Favorite Football Team, the Wildcats

The History of Cats

More About Cats

The Pittsburg Seafood Festival..yum yum

Other Cats With Their Own Web Sites

3 Good Cats..Apple Pie.. Bandicoot.. Blackie..Bonnie.. Boomer.. Boots.. Cali & Jinx.. Chrissy.. Cleo & Sammi.. Copper.. Cotton-Eyed Joe.. Delphi Donut.. Fab Four.. Fitz.. Fraidy.. Friskywhiskers.. Garfield.. Goldie.. Grubby & Jody.. Gypsy & Ziggy.. Habibi.. Isis.. Jerome.. Kitte~s.. Kitten.. MacKenzie.. Meowsketeers.. Micia.. Midnight & Tiger.. Miss Daisy.. Mountain Kitties.. Narcosia.. Nebula.. Nicolette.. Nikko.. Orange Juice.. Pepper & Cinnamon.. Phsyco.. Prowler.. Punkin.. Pyewacket.. RugCats.. Sasha and Oksana.. Seshat & Pekoe T... Simba.. Sir Wally.. Socks.. Spirit of Disorder.. Splatt.. Storm Cloud.. Stormy.. Teaser.. Tiger.. Willy

The Official Web Site of Pittsburg, California..One of the things I like best about Pittsburg
is that there are all different kinds and colors of humans here
and they are all very friendly to each other and to us cats.

My Dad-human's Personal Web Page