
Hi, this is the homepage of Viveca.

Hi, My name is Viveca, I'm born '85 and come from the south of Sweden.

At the moment I am just outside Roskilde in Denmark, where I take part in a volontary program. First I'll have 6 months of preparation and work on the schoolcentre in Boserup. Here I do some cleaning, dishwasching for the whole school and work with the spare time program for the boardingstudents. This pays my schoolfees. Besides working we also study the situation in the world and country of our project. Finally besides working and studying we also have lots of fun in the team, eg. by the Olympics at Tvind, bonfires at the beach and many more. After these 6 months I'll then finally be off to Afrika for another 6 months. I'm going to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, to "Childrens Town". Childrens Town is where homeless children get a home and education.

I'm interested in many different things, from biochemistry to social questions. I also went to a Science and Humanities program at high school. I really liked it there, and especially my classmates. They were awesome.
I love music. I listen to many different kinds of music, like to sing and play an instrument, and until lately I also went to dancing classes. Furthermore I like animals and nature, being creative, computers and to read gripping books (like fantasy). What I will do in the future I don't have a clue about, but I think I will study "something-but-I-don't-know-what-yet".
I'm an opitmist and totaly convinced that everything has good and bad sides - and I always try to find the good ones.

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