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Comedy Creations





Works in Progress

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False Pretenses

Rita Parker, aerobics instructor at a nursing home, is in the fast lane to nowhere until her wealthy long lost father contacts her - but he's not who she thinks he is.

Capitol Offense This script has been optioned by Cadenza Entertainment and
is no longer available.

While on vacation in Washington D.C. Sandy and her daughter witness an accident involving the first lady and end up saving her life, but their newfound celebrity brings major trouble from an unexpected source.

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Ellen - "The Hostage"

Golden Girls - "Good Time Charlie"

Murphy Brown - "Nobody's Fool"

Designing Women - "Brush with Death"

Open House - "Gucci Sale"

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The Secret of Longevity

Panic Syndrome

Kids Will Be Kids

Spray the People

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 Works in Progress

       "GOLDEN YEARS" a feature length comedy screenplay

"SOAP" a two-act play for the legitimate theatre

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 Biographical Information

Bev Conover was born in New Jersey and at the age of three, her family moved to Los Angeles at her insistence.

Studied screenwriting at UCLA's Writer's Program.

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