Shiloh and Alle on my bed.
y name is Alle. That's short for Allergies because so many of my owner's friends are allergic to me and not to Shiloh. Shiloh (left) was living in the apartment before, but he has a different owner. At two years of age, I'm fully grown and weight nine pound. I have bright yellow eyes with just a touch of green.
I have smokey black fur. Smokey black is unusual color. My fur appears black because it has black tips, but my hair also has white roots. In the sunlight, I look brown. Right now, I'm going through a hairless phase. The hair the vet shaved off my stomach hasn't fully grown back, yet. However, I thought it looked cool, so I chewed off the long hairs on my back legs. Thanks to wonders of digital imaging, all my bald spots have been air-brushed out. ^_^

Alle and Buddie snugging Saturday, February 17, 1996 is a day I will never forget. That is the day I found my current owner, Carissa. My previous owners gave me up because they didn't have room to keep me. I had just arrived at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter. I was pretty scared, so I tried to hide under the newspapers in the cage. Plus, I was coming down with a cold. Just as I was settling down for a nap, in walked Carissa. She seemed nice, so I peeked my head out to get a better look. The lady in charge let me out of the cage so I could check out Carissa up close. I knew right away she was the one. So did Carissa, because she adopted right there and then. Unfortunately, I had to wait until I got fixed at the vet's before going to my new home.