
I purchased my first dwarf lop rabbit, by chance, 3 years ago. The bunny came from a breeder of show rabbits, and before I knew it, I was involved in showing and breeding bunnies. It has proved to be a hobby that is interesting, diverse and challenging. The potential of each breed and the infinite variety of colours make forever changing options. I made my choice of colours early and have stayed with the Siamese Sables, Marten Sables,Sealpoints and the Smokes.

I started with the Dwarf Lop breed but could not resist a couple of Netherland Dwarfs, and more recently the black Mini Rex and the Holland Lop or Mini Lop as it is more commonly known in Australia. My Holland Lops were imported from overseas via an interstate connection and are an exciting newcomer to my stud.

My aspirations are to promote the rabbit fancy in Victoria and to achieve success in my breeding endeavours. I believe that I have been successful in achieving some of these goals in recent months and have bred some very pleasing Dwarf Lops and Netherland Dwarf, and I am more than happy with my Mini Rex rabbits. The challenge is always ongoing and I now want to reach the same standards with the Holland Lops. This is what makes the rabbit fancy so interesting and stimulating; there is always another colour or breed to entice you onto new pastures.

The choice for the new breeder is varied and the best place to purchase stock is from an established breeder. Joining The Victorian Rabbit Association and going to the many club shows, that are on at the weekends, is a good way to learn about rabbits and to make a choice about the many breeds that are available. There are newsletters and information at many of the shows and most breeders are more than happy to talk about their rabbits and to show you how to set up a stud.

As a registered breeder of show quality bunnies I do sometimes have stock for sale and am more than happy to help with advice to someone who is interested in setting up a stud and making a start in the Rabbit Fancy.

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My Links

Fur & Feather
Showbunny Web Site
Island Gems Rabbitry
Jarwood Studs Rabbits
American Netherland Dwarf Club
Iddy Biddy Bunny Barn Rabbitry
Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club
American Rabbit Breeders Association
Metro Rabbit Fanciers

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