I am:


This site is all about my wonderful friend and companion.

A certain Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Born 12th October 1994

A truly gentle dog with a massive heart and a personality to match.

Quite simply the centre of my world.

and his name is


Please take a tour of his domain, meet him and share my pride and joy

Find out about the DOMINO Campaign against Breed Specific Legislation that was launched at Crufts 2001.



Don't miss our new page added 3rd June 2001.

   Our DOMINO Page  

Randal's Links Page now features the largest ever collection of Links dedicated to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier available anywhere on the internet.   To date there are now 410 links with more to come and they all work.


Randal's Dog House - Our chat room


5 - Yes.....It happened in this Country

1 - Meet Randal


6 - Randal's Cornish Adventure

2 - Randal's Photos


7 - Randal's Awards

3 - NCDL


8 - Are Staffie Owners Wimps!!!

4 - Randal's Links 9 - My Mums Dogs
Our DOMINO Page  The BSL Crisis
Dogs At Risk in Europe The DARE Leaflet

Web Rings and Email Lists




Randal and I would like to thank Trisha Shears from Trisha's Animal Graphics for the lovely banner she designed for us.



Randal and I love to see new paw prints in our guest book from our visitors. Please make your mark before leaving.   If you have a home page and wish to have a link to your site leave your site URL in our guest book.   Randal will visit the home pages of those that leave a link and leave his paw print in your guest book if you have one.

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Randal's pages will be continually added to so please feel free to come back from time to time and see what's new but before you go please sign my Guest Book.

© M D Collcutt 1999.

Last updated 27th October 2001

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