This web site and message board is
dedicated to all those parrots sitting in shelters, rescue's..or in homes....unwanted
neglected, abused, or just misunderstood
by well meaning people who didn't know what they had gotten themselves
when they bought that cute little fluffy
bird from a pet store, or breeder or bird fair.
Did the breeder, vendor, pet store employee's tell
you that parrots are easy to care for...
cuddly and sweet? Did you bring home this wonderful cuddly creature only
to find out that after a few months,
Did that cuddly sweet little baby suddenly begin screaming every time you left the room? Did that little baby mature and begin biting the very hand that fed him/her? If so, please read on, we will try to help you deal with the issue's the breeder/pet store DIDN'T tell you about. I'm not saying all breeder or pet stores owner/employee's
are "bad" people.
What I am saying is that there are too many babies
out there being born, too
These babies are now showing up as adults in thousands
of shelters/rescues,
We need to find homes for THOSE birds and stop breeding more babies. I too was caught up in many of the "myths" that most breeders and pet stores perpetrate. I made all the mistakes. I bought from breeders. I bought from pet stores. I
bought from bird fairs.
Because I didn't KNOW any better. So don't feel alone, many of us have parrots that we bought as babies and I'm not here to condemn you or chastise you. My goal is to do what I wish someone had done for me years ago, educate others about the plight and needs of all those birds languishing away in shelters and rescue's, just waiting for homes. There are a few good bird boards out there, but unfortunately there are also a lot of breeder oriented boards, who encourage and support both breeding and buying and selling of parrots. I feel we need more boards that address both the positive AND negative aspects of having a companion parrot and are willing to take a hard stance on what we believe in, NO BREEDING, NO BUYING OR SELLING OF PARROTS..and after a lot of thought and consideration, I decided to open this board because I want to encompass ALL species of parrots, for rescues are over-flowing with birds from budgies to macaws. Having been a moderator at MyToos, my eyes were opened to the fact that the problem of homeless birds is wide-spread in ALL species; from the smallest finch to the largest macaw. I believe that the smaller birds are often treated as "throw away birds" that people abandon when they decide to "upgrade" to a larger bird. They are often found to be too noisy or messy. So much emphasis is placed on the "big" birds, these little guys are often overlooked and there are as many, and in most rescues, MORE of the small birds being dropped off or given away than any of the larger species. Let's not forget about them! That's what this message board is about. If you want the WHOLE truth about parrots and not just the "feel good" information, you have come to the right place. Our members tell it like it is, and they speak from experience. Many of our members either run a rescue or have adopted/rescued a bird themselves. |
Here are a few basic facts about parrots you may NOT
have been
1. They scream and yell, but they may never talk. 2. They're messy and may chew up your furniture. 3. They're demanding and must have daily interaction. 4. They require a specialized diet. 5. They cost a fortune in upkeep. 6. They may not even like you.
7. You have to throw away all scented candles, plug-ins,
8. Some parrots live up to 80 years. 9. Many parrots can never be taught to do "cute" tricks.
That's only the tip of the iceberg. The list goes on and on. You MUST educate yourself about parrots before you bring one into your home. This is so important. In order to better understand their needs, you must know that these are NOT domesticated animals, they are often only one generation away from the rain forests and jungles...they are wild creatures. If there is ever going to be any hope for these beautiful and majestic animals, we must stop the over breeding and selling of babies. I hope that once you meet some of the birds our members have adopted or rescued, and visit our message board, you will join us in trying to find homes for the many parrots already out there looking for a new home, and spreading the word to others about rescue and rehoming. Many parrots in rescues have been passed around and rehomed many times before ending up in the rescue. Not all parrots in rescue's are "bad" birds, or mean. Many are there simply because their owners could no longer care for them for many reasons, their health, children, divorce etc. They are loving, gentle creatures, just looking for a home. I hope you will read and learn
from this site. It will not always be's certainly
But you WILL read many touching
and wonderful stories from people who
But I'm not here just
to tell you the downside to owning a parrot.
Message Board Information and Rules This is NOT a fluff board, although I have reserved
a few forums for people to show off their companion parrots and share stories,
recipes etc. The purpose of this board is to help and share experiences,
but the birds will always come first and that may mean we have to be tough
and blunt sometimes. Many of us have been dealing with serious parrot issues
for many years now and have seen a lot of pain and sorrow regarding the
plight of parrots. We may not always be politically correct or say what
you want to hear, but we will always be honest with you and try to do everything
we can to help if you are in a crisis, or just need another "bird" person
to listen to.
I hope you'll join us to talk about the many issues involving parrots. We do NOT believe in breeding, or the buying and selling of parrots through either breeders or pets stores, online classifieds or auctions. If you are a breeder, pet store owner, or you support any of these practices, we do not care to debate the issue with you. We will not discuss breeding techniques or help you with breeding issues, that's not what we are about. There are too many birds out there in rescues and shelters needing homes. BUT....if you bought a parrot from a breeder or pet store, don't be afraid to come and ask questions or seek help, you are welcome, we are here for EVERYONE that may need help or advice with their bird, all we ask is that you understand that we want to encourage people to RESCUE instead of buying birds and hope if you decide to add to your feathered family, you'll consider rescue the next time. Many of us have bought parrots from breeders and/or pet stores ourselves in the past....why???...because we didn't know any better. THIS is why we are trying to help spread the word about rescuing instead, because many people just aren't aware of the problem.We are here to HELP..and that goes for everyone, but please do not join with the intent to argue about our philosophy or defend any of the above mentioned topics. This board is privately owned and operated and advertising
is not allowed.
All we ask is that you adhere to these simple rules and show us the same respect we would show you if we visit your "home" and in turn, we will show you our respect and try to answer any questions you may have, or help you in any way possible. The moderators on this board are extremely knowledgeable and helpful and I hope you will treat them with respect as they speak for me, and have my full support in all area's. We hope you'll join our "family" here and become a
part of the team effort to help educate, and share your experiences and
knowledge with those new to the world of companion parrots and with all
of us.
Are you ready to begin the journey, and meet some of our members adopted or rescued birds, and hear their stories, ask questions? Maybe you have rescued or adopted a parrot and would like to share your experience with us? If so, follow the banner below. ![]() Lurkers are welcome, but you must register in order to post.
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The Birds by displaying a link to the board
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COMING SOON Members personal stories of adoption/rescue with lots of photo's! |