Tehillah German Shepherds is located on 20 acres in British Columbia. We are a small hobby kennel dedicated to the
"total" german shepherd.We believe the German Shepherd must be a
sound (physically & mentally) dog who posses intelligence, drive,
'workability', nobility and beauty. Our dogs are trained and worked in
obedience, agility, flyball, and herding and are always owner trained and
handled! They are raised on a natural raw diet with a holistic approach to
In addition to the dogs, we do have a small herd of sheep that the dogs work
and move around to different pastures each day.
Cheyenne &
Baillie going High In Trial in May 1999
under CKC Herding Judge Lynn Leach
Sheep Graphics & Animations Courtesy of Art & Sheep
All articles and photographs contained in this page are all copyrighted 1999 by Shelley Fritzke. No article or photograph may be taken or published in any form without the express written consent of Shelley Fritzke.
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