Cricket's Reborn Nursery
Artis ~ Reba Rose
Reborn Babies

 | Vivien - by Evelina Wosnjuk - I painted her with Genenis Heat Set Paints


I have also painted on canvas. Love painting dogs.

I also write poems - not as good as most but ok I guess.
But this one is about my mother. I could have come up
with better thoughts about her but she was such a great mother
I don't think there are any words to really tell how she was.
But she was one beautiful person, a mother, wife, grandmother
everyone who knew her loved her. I was 15 when she died. It was
a day when I first felt my heart break.
God bless you mom and I am sure He has for you are with Him now.
My mother always wore a apron and when I think about her I can
still see her wearing it. So here are just some thoughts
about her wearing that apron.
My Mother Wore A Apron
My mother wore an apron
As far back as I remember
She never went without it
No matter what she did
I miss the fun and laughter
Not a sad day I ever knew
For she was a loving mother
Who gave us all she had
A clean and flowered apron
So soft and clean and bright
I love to see her ware it
It was a lovely sight
I loved to hear her laughter
Was music to me ears
She made me feel so happy
When ever she was near
She’d put her arm around me
Would hold me oh so tight
I never knew how much I loved her
Until she died that night
I never wore an apron
It only belonged to her
My mother wore an apron
With all the love she had
I miss her and I wish I could have told her
how much she ment to me, and how I loved her
By Reba Rose
My Mom
I never liked my name like most people. I would have liked a name such as Mary, Carol, Linda or any other name but Reba. So I lived my whole life not liking my name. But now it doesn't seem to matter so much. I have lived with it for so long now. It is a part of me and I would not change it. But still I don't like my name.
My Name - I Didn't Like
I was given a name I did not like
Why was I given a name so different
No one ask me to leave my place
Here to come and here to stay
To give me a name I did not like
Wasn't I an angels with beautiful wings
Why didn't they ask God first
Why did He let them take me away
He didn't love me, I bet that is why
To let them give me a name I did not like
Why was I put here and through birth that hurts
Its not my fault that I don't belong
No one here loves me that way
What is here on earth that I would want
Then to give me a name I did not like
Who is that woman thats picking me up
Why is she grinning and what does she want
Tell her to stop slabbering all over my face
She is the one who gave me my name?
Now she is crying... who did she say she is?
My mother? My Mother! My Mother!!
I have a mother here so sweet
Here to hold me and to kiss my cheeks
Here to love me with all her heart
What did you say my name was?
Gee, that is a beautiful name!
By Reba Rose
A Flea
I wish that I could see things in the dark
As I do in the light.
I could see things that come out at night.
What do they all do and how can they see?
Why do some bite?
Was it a flea?
I wish that I could hear the sounds
And one at a time please.
What kind of a sound would an ant make
If he can’t find his way?
Why does he feel like a spider
As he crawls across your knee?
Or was it a flea?
As I look up through the trees
seeing the moon light shinning on the leaves.
As the wind tip toes so softly
Making them appear like they are dancing.
What are those two eyes staring at me?
It couldn’t be a flea
Looks like a owl.
Oh no! It’s a bat and not a flea.
Quick cover your head it will get in your hair.
Run! Run! Run! It’s after you.
Silly you it’s not a bat it's only me.
And I am a flea.
By Reba Rose
I submitted this poem to Poetry.com. Guess what I got the Editor's Award. But as I understand it most people who submit to Poetry.com have recieved it. But thats ok I'll take it too.
Me & my nephew - Bobbie
I always loved babies and no matter how big they were I wanted to hold them and would try to carry them around with me.

My Family First row: Cleo, Wanda, Reba - me, Ed Second row: Charles, Marjorie, Leota, Ruth, Art Third row: Edwin, Eileen, Gareld, Norma
This poem I wrote for a friend. She lost her daughter due to cancer. Ila was only 50 years old. Annie love her as much as any mother could love a child. She was hurting so bad and I couldn't think of anything to comfort her. How can any Mother get over the death of a child. It takes years. Her mom's heart was breaking just like it would be for anyone. So I sat down to write a poem for her. It ended up sounding like it came from her daughter Ila. So I decided to put it on my web page. So if any of you have lost someone so dear to you, maybe this could help just a little.
Don't Cry So Hard For Me
please don't cry so hard for me,
the way you did today,
while thinking of the things,
we didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me,
for I love you that much too,
please try to understand,
it wasn't ment to be.
oh how I hated to leave you,
but I know you'd understand,
that I'd have to leave behind,
the best mom I could find.
so think of all the good times,
and how much you mean to me,
I know that I will miss you,
I know you'll miss me too,
don't remember how I was,
the last time you saw me,
for I am no longer hurting,
I'm as happy as can be.
when Jesus reached out his hand to me,
and said its time to go,
he said my home was ready,
where I'd find peace, love, and joy.
when I walked through heaven's gates,
I knew that I was home,
so when you think of me,
please know that I am free.
please don't cry so hard for me,
for we're not far apart,
for every time you think of me,
I'm right there in your heart.
All of my dolls have been hand painted. All factory paints were removed. Heat Set Paint will last forever.
I make my own templates
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