webring is the "brain-child" of Magan, a 9 year old girl from Georgia!!!
We hope you enjoy your visit and if you have a webpage that qualifies, we invite you to
submit your site and join the webring.

What is this webring
all about??? The rights of all those precious animals!!! It is so frustrating
to see animals who have been mistreated or whose owners just plain don't take care of
them. Every animal has a right to food, water and shelter but that's not all!
What about LOVE?? What about our TIME? What about a treat every now and then
just for being so cute?!! The purpose for this ring is not to say that we
treat our animals any better than you. We just want to showcase animals and make us
all stop and think about the rights of God's precious creatures, animals!!! :o)
To join this ring, you must
meet the following criteria:
(1) Site can not contain
pornography, nudity, racism, profanity, etc.
(2) Site must have at least a
reference to supporting animal rights, preferable a page dedicated to animal right
awareness. IF your site does NOT meet this requirement, you may place a statement
similar to the following above the webring code and your site will be considered for
inclusion in the ring.
"The owners of this
site express their Support of Animal Rights by joining the following webring. We
believe animals deserve to be treated fairly. They are God's creatures and they
should not be abused nor taken for granted. Animals deserve our love and our
attention, not just the "essential things"!!!
(3) Site must meet
"Netiquette" (No stolen graphics, broken links, etc.)
(4) Site must be
KID-SAFE! Also, if your "pet page" is linked to your personal page which
contains inappropriate links, you'll be denied!
Still think you qualify???
Just complete the following form & follow directions.
Please note that we reserve the
right to refuse any site we feel inappropriate even if the above statement is including
with the webring code. |