About Us
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The Golden Triangle Kennel Club of Mississippi serves the Columbus, West Point, and Starkville communities and is composed of individuals who are interested in the sport of purebred dogs, responsible dog ownership and general canine companionship. As an all-breed club, our interests vary with each member with particular emphasis on conformation, obedience, and other breed-related performance events.

GTKCM meets the third Thursday of each month to hold programs that cover all aspects of purebred dogs and discuss planning of club activities. Visitors are always welcome! 

In addition, club members teach obedience classes for puppies and adult dogs several times throughout the year. 

Members also participate in community activities, such as local pet fairs to inform the general public about issues of importance to owners of purebred dogs.

Our licensed conformation shows, obedience and rally trials are held on the second weekend in January at the Mississippi Horse Park and Agricenter in Starkville, Mississippi and superintended by Onofrio Dog Shows Inc.


The GTKCM is a non-profit organization licensed by the American Kennel Club. We are approved to hold licensed conformation, obedience, rally and agility trials.

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