Welcome to
the Home Page
I am a handsome cream point Burmese with short hair and
blue eyes. I wear a blue collar with an ID tag and a St.
Francis medal. I like catnip, toys, and lots of attention.
Picture 1 | Picture 2 | Picture 3 | Picture 4
Mama and Papa got me from Carolina Cats Adopt-A-Kitty. You can see my picture on the Carolina Cat Clinic staff page (with Suzanne Brown)! My Mama, Papa, and Sister are all "toads," perhaps related to James Thaddeus Toad, Esq. If you don't believe me, look at the entrance to our
"One does not argue about The Wind in the Willows. The
young man gives it to the girl with whom he is in love,
and, if she does not like it, asks her to return his
letters. The older man tries it on his nephew, and alters
his will accordingly. The book is a test of character. We
can't criticize it, because it is criticizing us. But I
must give you one word of warning. When you sit down to it, don't be so ridiculous as to suppose that you are sitting
in judgment on my taste, or on the art of Kenneth Grahame.
You are merely sitting in judgment on yourself. You may be
worthy: I don't know, But it is you who are on trial."
- A. A. Milne
By using these links, you'll be able to learn about:
The Song of Mr. Toad By Kenneth
The clever men at Oxford The animals sat in the Ark and cried, The Army all saluted The Queen and her ladies-in-waiting
You can read about him in Kenneth
Grahame's The Wind in the Willows or
catch a glimpse of him in Disney's animated The
Adventures of Mr. Toad.
My Mama.
My Papa.
My Sister.
Family Friends.
The World has held great
As history-books have showed;
But never a name to go down to fame
Compared with that of Toad!
Know all there is to be knowed.
But they none of them knew one half as much
As intelligent Mr. Toad!
Their tears in torrents flowed.
Who was it said, “There’s land ahead”?
Encouraging Mr. Toad!
As they marched along the road.
Was it the King? Or Kitchener?
No. It was Mr. Toad!
Sat at the window and sewed.
She cried, “Who’s that handsome man?”
They answered, "Mr. Toad."