Of Afrikka Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Multi All Best in Show Winners
TOP 20 Winner
RRCUS National Specialty and Award Winners

Founder & Owner Christina Wistrom, Ph.D.

email: ofafrica@att.net
Member of RRCUS, OCRRC , SDRRC and the Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club.

Last update: 12 July, 2009

Dorian Gray - wins The National Specialty 2009 and his 9 th Best in Show in Virginia 2009!

Our handsome boy Dorian Gray, MBIS MBISS CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray JC, wins the RRCUS nationals 2009. Judge Paula Hartinger

Flash! 7 Puppies, 3 boys and 4 girls delivered by Ravenna- aka Nikkei on June 29th - all with long ridges - all red wheaten and black noses

If you are interested in a puppy from any of the following upcoming litters please contact us for an application. We are excited to announce the addition of 3 new stud dogs to the kennel. Int& Am Ch Starridge Makeda (Austrl) and Multi CH Beam of Light of Malabo APD (Brazil) Malabo kennels (www.malaboapd.com.br) top hound and number 2 All breed Dog in Brazil 2008! AM Ch Makanas Probable Cause SC, from Makana Ridgebacks , CA. Thanks to the owners of these nice dogs we now have frozen semen available for the future.

11 show puppies: 7 males and 4 females by MBIS MBISS Ch Spring Valley's Great Gatsby ROM and Dam is Ch Of Afrikka Giesele at Rollings Kennel in MD, One show male still available. Contact Jay Hyman at djhyman@comcast.net

New litter arrived June 29

DCH Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy SC FCH NA NAJ OJ OJW RN CGC and CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Ravenna JC. 2 males still available. Joint breeding with Spring Valley Ridgebacks

Planned litter for late September 09, Champion Kumba and Ch Joli late september

Flash! Sydney wins his FCH and is now a dual champion! and adds Novice and Open agility titles and Rally Novice titles. New conformation Champions 2008 Ch Of Afrikka Evie JC (by Ch Gatsby), Ch Of Afrikka Giesele at Rollings (by DCH Sydney) and Ch Starridge Makeda (imp Austrl) Congratulations to the proud owners Sonnet McKinnon and D. Jay Hyman and Marita Romson

Multiple Best in Show winning our handsome "Dorian Gray".
Stats about Dorian:
Born 20 October 2004,
Height at 3 years of age 27.0",
Weight: 90 lean lbs,
Hips Good, Elbows Normal,
Eyes CERF normal, Thyroid normal MSU, AKC DNA profile.

Current Show statistics:
9 AKC All Breed Best in Show wins
RRCUS TOP 20 Winner 2008
RRCUS National Specialty AOM Winner 2008
RRCUS National BOB Winner 2009
180+ Group wins, and placements, including
55 + AKC All Breed Hound Group 1 wins
220 + AKC Best of Breed wins
1 AKC RR Regional Specialty BISS win
1 AKC Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed 2008 win
AKC National / Eukanuba Championship Qualifier 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.

Dorian has won ALL Breed Best in Show at the following shows
Upper Marlboro Kennel Club, November 23, 2007
Delaware County Kennel Club March 16, 2008
Trumbull County Kennel Club, May 22, 2008
New Castle Kennel Club, May 26, 2008
Chesapeake Kennel Club of Maryland, November 15, 2008
Best in Specialty Show Wins BISS
Greater Valley Forge Rhodesian Ridgeback Club, May 4th, 2008. RRCUS National Specialty winner May 29th 2009

2007 News!
Dorian and Jack Secrest Jr., had a successful ending of 2007. Multiple hound group wins and placements and an All Breed Best in Show win at Upper Marlboro Kennel Club, MD placed him as the Final # 3 All bred RR in the USA for 2007. Dorian now joins our 2 other Best in show winners BIS CH Of Afrikka Hoku O Pupukea (HI- USA) and MBIS BISS Int Bra PANAM Ch Of Afrikka Malabo APD Golden Star (BRAZ)

BIS CH Of AFrikka Hoku O Pupukea

MBIS BISS Int Bra Pan AM Ch Of Afrikka Malabo APD Golden Star (BRAZ)

Dorian Gray has qualified for his Fourth time in 4 years and just after turning 4 years old by winning a Best in Show # 5, to The AKC National Invitational Championship show at Long Beach Convention Center, CA, December 12th 2009.
Sired by MBIS MBISS AM Ch Spring Valley Great Gatsby ROM and Dam: AM INT CH Deer Ridge Blixen of Afrika.

PLease contact us by email if you want information, and an aplication and learn more about our Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies in an upcoming litter.

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Young Bruno aka Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray - BOS Sweepstakes BARRC Specialty 2005

Welcome to visit our Ridgebacks on these pages. We are a small kennel and dedicate us to raise the most sound and healthy dogs possible. We have puppies and youngster occasionally available to the right home. All our dogs participate in the Canine Health Informations Center, AKC-CHIC where you can find all health information about our dogs online. This registry is supported by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, OFA and CERF. Our dogs are screened to be free from hip and elbow dysplasia, thyroid disease and congenital eye dieases by CERF.
Contact us at OF AFRIKKA KENNELS if you want information and learn more about our Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
We have now launched a new web site with Rhodesian Ridgeback Health Information from various research universities around the world. It will soon be full of interesting information and scientific articles about RR health and genetics. Click here to find this site: Rhodesian Ridgeback Health Research

Stay tuned for planned litters on the East Coast of USA , and in Austria and Canada. Litters planned and upcoming breedings in 2009 by Ch Sydney and Ch Dorian and litters out of Ch Farrah, Ch Nikkei, Ch Joli

To see Our recent litter from 2007 - 2005 and learn more go to Farrah's litter Page to learn more about Dual Ch Sydney and view his pedigree go to Sydney's Page

The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Of Afrikka Sprng Vly Joliba of Kamari aka "Joli" 6 months and 2 weeks old wins BOS at SDRRC and OCRRC 2005 Specialty Sweepstakes.

SHOW RESULTS & High Lights from 2006
Bruno ends up as USA's RR #18 in the Ranking by limited showing dunring 2006
Both Joli and bruno are invited to TOP 20 Competition at The National RR Specialty Ohio 2007.BR>
SHOW RESULTS & High Lights from 2006
Congratulations to Nina and Cailin! Of Afrikkas Cailin at Chipangali (Litter 7) wins her 3 rd CAC in Zubljua, Croatia. Cailin is now only 1 CAC win to finish her Croatian Championship. Way to go!

North America & HI:
BIS Ch Of Afrikka Hoku O Pupukea grabs the TOP #4 RR spot in the USA
Ch Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy finishes his AKC CH title
Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy wins 4 BOB back to back and 3 Group wins and one Group 2 at the International dog shows. This makes him now a Int Multi Ch. Starridge makeda and Int Ch Of AFrikka Nala Mtani by Pheron also qualifies for their International Conformation Titles.

Our Bruno (L8) Of Afrika Spring Valley Dorian Gray wins his first CC and goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners, and grabs 3 additional Reserve CC's.
West Coast Ridgeback Specialty results:
Our beautiful Ch Blixen goes BOS at the OCRRC specialty (pict below), Ch Hoku (L3) wins an Award of Merit at OCRRC. Our Int Ch Rimba wins the Best Brood Bitch class (Int Am Ch Blixen places second to Rimba) for the second time with the same get at OCRRC. "Blixen" x "Gatsby" puppy girl Joli wins BOS in Sweepstakes at both SDRRC and OCRRC specialties.

South America: Huge Congratulations to Ana and Goldnstar (L8) Of Afrikka SprngVly Malabo Goldnstar has alread won 10 best in Show Puppy Titles in Brazil.

Ch Blixen wins the 2005 BOS Title at OCRRC Specialty

Latest News: 

To see Ch Blixens top quality first litter of pups sired by Ch Gatsby go to Blixen's and Gatsby's Puppy Page

Our Pride!
AM INT Ch Deer Ridge Blixen of Afrika
Historic Award Winner at Crufts Dog Show 2004, UK. Blixen is a historical RR as she is the only Rhodesian Ridgeback American bred and owned bitch that has EVER qualified to date for an invitation and actually showed and placed in her class at The worlds biggest Crufts Dog show in UK.
"Highly Commended" Award CRUFTS 2004
Best of Opposite Sex
Top Bitch #2 and Top 20 Finalist - 2003
Number Two RR OCRRC 2003
BOS - OCRRC Specialty Show 2005

Our Beautiful Swedish-Aussie Boy "Sydney"

International Multi Champion
Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy
New AKC Champion
Total 9 CC's

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Check out our latest litter plans for 2009

- link below


The ultimate vision in our breeding program is to breed healthy Ridgebacks of excellent type and quality. The genetic pool of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed is very limited and needs to be addressed at every breeding. Our genetic program strive to reduce the ocurrence of the dermoid sinus and ridgeless ridgebacks. One other goal of our breeding program is to maintain a high quality health status of our dogs hips and elbows and screen for thyroid disease of all breed stock. In doing so we also health screen all littermates of puppies for congenital diseases or conditions. We strive to maintain the "Breed Type" conformation of our RRs. We are using the AKC, International FCI and the original "Standard of the Breed" from South Africa as a blue print for our dogs. In addition to natural breedings we utilize modern DNA testing of sire and Dams and up to date reproductive techniques e.g. artificial insemination as selective tools in our breeding program. This allows us to find the very best combinations for our dogs. We select from world wide breeding material and manage a frozen semen program. All our imported stud dogs have passed health sceening as well as passing scores at Temperament Tests given by foreign kennel clubs.


Top Winning Number 4 Ridgeback USA 2005
Number 3 Hound 2002, 2003, #3 2004 in Hawaii
The Star of Hawaii
Multiple Group Winning
Ch Of Afrikka Hoku O Pupukea
Watch Hoku at the mainland Show and Specialties in 2005
Hoku's second litter was born in Hawaii May 9 th - 04. < A breeding with Hoku will be in 2007.

RRCUS National Specialty 2001
CH Deer Ridge Blixen Of Afrika
Award of Merit over 77 Specials
Judge Patricia Trotter, owner handled.

Of Afrikka Hoku O Pupukea
Best in Show in HI KC
Handled by Pam Lambie
Owners: Barbara & Tom Peach, Haleiwa,HI

Pupukea Ridge Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Link to Of Afrikka Hoku O Pupukea homepage in Hawaii.

Breeding Information and Photos of Our Stud Dogs.
Click on the dog's name and you will be taken to the dog's own web site.
A * infront the Dog's name indicate that Puppies are available or expected.


FCI: Hips A, Elbows normal, Thyroid normal, Brucellosis free.Height 27",98 Lbs

INT MULTI CH Calico Ridge Red Gold Zulu CGC TDI - Liver nosed, "Maxwell"

AKC-CHIC OFA: Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal. Eyes CERF. Brucellosis free. 26.3/4", 87 Lbs

WW-99 BIS AM CAN MEX CH Deer Ridge Walk the Plank SC, "Rex"

OFA: Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal. Brucellosis free. 28", 98 Lbs

AM INT Champion Of Afrikka's Kumbayah, "Kumba"

AKC-CHIC OFA: Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal. Eyes CERF. 28", 100 Lbs

* AM INT Multi Champion Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy, "Sydney"

AKC-CHIC OFA: Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Thyroid normal, OFA Cardiac normal. Eyes CERF. 29", 100 Lbs

International Champion Starridge Makeda, "Mak"

AKC OFA: Hips prelim, OFA Elbows prelim, OFA Thyroid TBA, OFA Cardiac TBA. Eyes CERF. 26.5", 95 Lbs

CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray, "Dorian"

AKC OFA: Hips good, OFA Elbows normal Eyes CERF. Thyroid MSU, OFA Cardiac TBA. Height 27", 89 Lbs

BIS Am CH Of Afrikka Hoku O Pupukea, "Hoku"

Hawaii (Rabies free).
AKC-CHIC OFA: Hips Excellent Elbows Normal, Thyroid Normal. Eyes CERF. Leptospirosis Tested and Brucellosis free. 27", 92 Lbs. Contact Pupukea Ridge Rhodesian Ridgebacks if you need more information

Our Previous Litters

Litter 1. 1997 (INT CH Calico Ridge Red Gold Zulu CGC TDI "Maxwell" x Shaka VI "Shaka")

Litter 2. 1998 (INT CH Calico Ridge Red Gold Zulu CGC TDI "Maxwell" x Shaka VI "Shaka")

Litter 3. 2000 (AM MEX CH Pheron's Connor Mestizo "Connor" ROM x INT CH Of Afrikka's Ruli Urimba "Rimba")

Litter 4. 2002 FAI(Multi Ch Aakemba King Astor Gi"Fumo "Astor" x INT CH Of Afrikka's Roed Umbra CGC "Umbra")

Litter 5 2002 (DC CH Kariba's MacLeod of Pheron "MacLeod" x Of Afrikka Ghera Ukala "Ghera")

Litter 6. 2003 (BIS AM CAN MEX CH Deer Ridge Walk the Plank SC "Rex" x INT CH Of Afrikka's Ruli Urimba "Rimba")

Litter 7. 2003 (AM CH Hundelridge Daily Pleazure "Daly" x INT CH Of Afrikka's Roed Umbra "Umbra")

Litter 8. 2004 (Multi BIS BISS AM CH Spring Valley's Great Gatsby "Gatsby" x AM INT CH Deer Ridge Blixen of Afrika "Blixen")

Litter 9. 2005 (MULTI BIS BISS AM CH Spring Valley's Great Gatsby ROM "Gatsby" x AM CH Of Afrikka Donga Uitlander "Donga")

Litter 10. 2005 (Multi BOB and Group Winning INT AM CH Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy "Sydney" x Int Ch Of Afrikka Deer Ridge "Farrah"

Litter 11. 2006 (AM Int CH Of Afrikka Airborne Envoy " Sydney" x Am Int Ch Deer Ridge Blixen of Afrika "Blixen"

Litter 12. 2007 (MULTI BIS BISS AM CH Spring Valley's Great Gatsby ROM "Gatsby" x AM CH Of Afrikka Donga Uitlander "Donga")

Updates on Planned Litters for 2008 - Note - Changes may occur
We are currently taking applications and reservations and bookings for show puppies from upcoming litters in 2008 and 2009. Pet and companion puppies are occasionally available. Call us for latest updates and availability. "Dog Show Active" homes are a must. We reserve the right to place a puppy with the best possible home environment. All puppies come with breeders contract.

Breeding planned September 2008-09 ,pups due November. Sire MBIS BISS AM CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray JC: Dam AM Ch Spring valley's Summer Song SC, New York, Can Ch Angelridge Honey CGN, Ontario Canada, Am Ch Pupukearidge Lululainia, Oahu, Hawaii- Quarantine free export to rabies free countries - Australia, UK -IRE, Norway and Sweden, Japan

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