
Welcome to the Website for BCs4BARF

This site is a support for the BCs4BARF email list.

This list is open to all Border Collie owners, crosses included.
Whether you have been BARFing for awhile or just curious about it, this is the place for you.
Within the links below you will find pages and sites full of information on BARF.


Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods also know as Bones And Raw Foods.

We have been led to believe that commercial foods such as kibble, canned and semi-moist are best for our dogs.
I remember hearing the commercials that said their products could give my dog cleaner teeth, fresher breath. But none ever did as good a job as I wanted and I would have to brush their teeth with a toothbrush, which my dogs hated. Also, they leave out how their overcooked, processed food is creating health problems for our dogs, such as obesity, kidney, liver and heart disease.
Then one day while surfing the net I found a website on a breeder that fed BARF. BARF?? What's that I thought, so I went to the page and read on. I read about what types of food she was feeding, how much a day, she had even broke down the cost and compared feeding this Raw Diet to feeding a Premium brand kibble. She also had told about the benefits she had seen in her dogs by this diet. Like cleaner teeth, no doggy odor, no bad breath, less poop, shiny coat, and better overall health.
That's when the light bulb went on for me. There had to be a better way to feed my dog, something closer to what they would have naturally eaten in the wild; what they were designed to eat. So with my interest peaked, I searched for more websites on BARF and found out that it was a very simple, very practical way to feed.

I have now been BARFing for two months. I have been feeding a variety of foods and watching my Allie, who is a 8 month old Border Collie/Sheperd cross, savor every meal. I should mention right now that at her last vet visit, the vet gave her an excellent bill of health. He was amazed at how she had no doggy breath, a full shiny coat, and how her teeth were so white with NO tartar buildup.

Below are the links to what I hope you find to be informative pages I have put together on BARF and on Border Collies.