The webpage serves to provide information about the much loveable rodent, chinchilla.  It is meant for both chin and non-chin owners, as well as those intending to get one in the near future.  I wanted to help provide some helpful information as I had a hard time getting right information about my chinchilla when I first bought it.  I hope you will find the information useful.  Click on the following titles to find out more about chinchillas.  Do email me if you spot any mistake or misinformation.  Thank you. 

Due to overwhelming traffic of my website, I have to reduce the amount of pictures in this website in order to minimise geocities bandwidth block.  I have also added an new link, Raisin Land, in sweet memory of my most favourite chinchilla, Chilie.   

  Introduction and History                                            Française Version  (Venez bientôt!)
  Is Chinchilla THE Pet for You?
  Getting a Chinchilla
  Color Mutation  
  Food and Nutrition
  Cage and Space
  Caring for Chinchilla
  Handling a Chinchilla
  Travelling with a Chinchilla
  Health and Related Issues
  Breeding Chinchillas
  Understanding and Knowing your Chinchilla
  Photo Album of my Chinchilla
  Photo Album of my Chinchilla II
  Special Edition Photos
  Babies Album 
  Raisin Land   NEW !
  Recommended Links
  Site Map - Frame              Site Map - Page

You are not allowed to duplicate or reproduce any part(s) of the content on any of the page(s) on this site or graphic or wallpaper or photos in your webpage without first seeking permission from the webmaster.  Try to give due recognition to the people who worked to produce the pages

This site was reviewed on 19 August 1999

This award was given on 22 August 1999

A member of All Creatures Great and Small

Email Webmaster
Updated on 22 June 2002
Website deigned by Mabel Chan
Copyright © 2000 - 2005
All rights reserved

Information in the pages to follow is a compilation from numerous web sites and books I have read.  I will not be held responsible for anything that might happen to your chinchilla(s).   This web site is presented purely out of goodwill to help chinchilla and non-chinchilla owners to learn more about the animal.  If there is anything you feel is wrong or unclear please do not hesitate to emailme.  Thank you. 

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