Changing the world... One word at a time
The idea is pretty simple - there is a random, reasonably short passage taken from any source, and then we change it.  Pick one word inthe passage and then change it to another word, preferably in an amusing manner. 

1. No changing someone else's change.
2. You may change multiple instances of the same word if you wish, although you don't have to.  (for instance, if the paragraph contained the word "sheep" three times, you could change each instance of it to "chickens" or whatever word you picked).
3. Except for the above exception, no changing more than one word. 
4. Once we've run out of words to mess with, we can start with a new passage to mess with.
5. You can
bold your change if you feel like it, or leave others to figure out which one you changed. 

It should be moderately entertaining, anyway.
This will take place in the guestbook.  To sign the guest book is to change the passage.

no funny business