The International Bengal Cat Society
Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, USA 08889
PHONE: (201) 527-7779 (Pat Falzarano)
Eastern Standard Time Zone

Email Please contact Pat for more information regarding our current litter availability.

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The Bengal Cat is the descendant of felis bengalensis, a small Asian leopard cat, and domestic cats including the Egyptian Mau and the Abyssinian.

More than 20 years in the making, this breed now has a loving, domestic cat temperament, while retaining the stunning looks of its leopard cat ancestors. We now offer selectively bred Bengal kittens from diverse bloodlines going back four generations and more in our cattery. Pet quality kittens are available for those who want an athletic, active, energetic, intelligent, and unique house pet.

Bengal kittens at Hunterdonhall

These cats are sold with full pedigree disclosure and are guaranteed to be healthy when they leave the cattery. Their TICA registration papers are officially designated "not for breeding, not for showing," and they are priced accordingly.

Breeder and show quality cats are sometimes available on a more limited basis. They will have the outstanding personality and charm of a pet quality kitten, as well as the extra presence and near-perfect "wild" look that we desire to enhance our breed.

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