Silly Games and World Famous Video Clips
Worth A Visit!
It's Tetris but with naked bodies.
Must be 21 to view this site!
Interpret Your Dreams
Find out what Strange Things your subconscious is trying to tell you.
Your Dream interpretation is based on Keywords you mention,So be specific!
Shark Attacks.com
Information on the blood thirsty beasts plus a gruesome victims gallery,and the latest attack stories!
The Terrorists True Leader
These are undoctored photos of the true mastermind
behind the Sept. 11th Terrorist attacks on our nation..
You must see it to believe it!!
Worstcase Scenarios
This site Teaches step-by-step Disaster survival.
You can learn Techniques that are useful,and well thought out,
to survive what befalls you.
Learn About Past Lives
Type in your date of birth and learn all about your past life and how it effects you today.
The Best Free Downloads on the Planet!
This is the only site you'll need to grab some of the best
free shareware/freeware available from around the globe! Easy to search by catagory and application..
Jerky Boys Battleship!
Play the Jerky Boys in Battleship! It's actully an Internet version of the classic board game.
And when you sink their boats the Jerky Boys
will give you an ear full as only they can.
Can Computers Read Your Mind?
A brain teaser that will mess with your mind!
Jail Babes Lookin' for love!
View personals from actual inmates looking for love!
Check out pictures,likes and dislikes. Pick an inmate/girl and contact her.
You can search by age, state and race.
Decode Names
This site has cataloged thousands of names.
Find out what your name really means!
Free Downloads!
You'll find everything from Lava Lamps to MP3 players to a useful program that
scans your hard drive for any useless files.
Trade A Bootleg Tape!
This site caters to those who may have inadvertantly snuck tape recorders
into concerts over the years. Enter what tapes you have and find tapes to trade.
DeadHeads will do well here,2000+ in that catagory alone.
I Can Dance If I Want To!
Control the legs, ass and arms of this dancing moron.
You also can control the music and settings.
Porta Pam!
Its the Virtual Version of Pam Anderson for your Palm Pilot or Handspring computer.
Enjoy her for 48 hours for free or you can own her.
Naked News!
Its CNN but better! Professional female news anchors get naked while reading you the news. Very Cool!
Ultimate Dodgeball!
Just like you use to play in elementry school. The object of the game is to smack your opponent with the ball.
Florida Webcam!
Live from the Elbo Room in Ft. Lauderdale on A1A next to the ocean ,a live webcam.
Check out the bikini page too!
Dead Celebrities!
Direct from the local morgue comes pictures of your favorite dead celebrities!
Just A Tip!
Send free anonymous e-mail to co-workers and let them know that their hygiene,
appearance or habits are rather annoying.
Beware!! This site will produce words that even Drunken Sailors don't use
Enter a website address and it is transformed into instant Porn.
This site could get you Fired!!!!
Http://www.pornolize.com -From Sweden of all places!
Gaming Depot!
Hundreds of games to download, including arcade classics,
action and even some racey stuff!
Audio file of the latest Budweiser commercial
Ugly People
A mean spirited site that posts pictures of
really ugly men and woman.
Read the disclaimer, very funny.
Free Skins!
Update your browser with a new skin. Over 400 to choose from.
Celebrity Spank and Slap
Games like "Pooh on Pam Anderson Head" with more celebrities.
Check out the Nude Celebrity Apple Game.
Lyric Database
Find lyrics to thousands of songs
from your favorite bands and artists.
The Darwin Awards
True stories about stupid people making sometimes deadly mistakes!
Flash Mountain
Check out Girls flashing the security cameras at Disney World
and other family theme parks!
The Sleaze Test!
How sleazy are you? Take this simple test and learn the answer.
Net-Oholics Anonymous
Lots of links for you to waste your time at!
Surfs Up!
Hang ten! Shoot the Tube! Visit the Green room!
This is like real surfing on the net.
Napster Bad!! Metallica Speaks!
Lars and James speak out about Napster
This is VERY funny!
Internet Answering Machine
Surf the net and never miss a phone call. This program answers your phone,
and alerts you while your online then plays the message
All you need is busy-call forwarding.BEWARE-New Monthly Fee of 3.95
Victoria's Secret!
Great bra and panty views, Also check out the Victoria's Secret 2001 Fashion Show!
Fun with Satellites!
Check out satellite images of Area 51 ,the Los Alamos Fires to downtown L.A.
Internet Film Festival
An interesting selection of Internet run movies. Check out "The Sick Sense",and "Catholic School Girls."
Motley Crue responds to Metallica's views against Napster.
The Internet Killed the Video Star
A funny Shockwave version of the first video MTV ever played.
Emergency Drink Recipes
This site will gives cocktail recipes based on ingredients you have available.
Useless Games
Really useless games to entertain you
Games for Stoners!
Prepare for a mindless veg session at this site.
Star Wars Parody Showcase
You'll love this spoof of Star Wars and its Themes!
Walters Mission
Walters mission is to get laid. Take a look at him and you'll see has no chance.
Kicked In The Crotch
Video of a guy begging to be kicked in the jewels.
He takes a couple hard ones before fallin' to his knees.
Click on Your state and get listings of Breweries,Pubs and Microbreweries..
Site is a little out-dated but still useful.
The Bitch Test!
A special test for the women. Find out just how much of a bitch you are.
Scratch Simulator
Laydown some killer beats with two turntables, a ton of samples and stacks of wax.
Weird Emma
A Flash animated series thats sure to bring a laugh or 2!!
Multi Player Jeopardy
Go head-to-head with other surfers live on-line.
Movie Bloopers
Frame by frame examples of mistakes in films like the Star Wars, American Pie,
Waynes World and tons of other titles.
Road Rage Test
Do you tend to RAGE when you're behind the wheel.
Take the ten question test and find out.
Are You Fun In Bed?
A simple test that rates your past sexual performance and
lets you know if you're any fun in bed.
The Institute of Official Cheer
Entertaining insight into great moments from the 40's, 50's & 60's.
Destroy Your Computer
This program allows you to beat your computer with a hammer,
a machine gun, a laser and a host of other weapons.
Just scroll down to Desktop Games and begin the download.
Lucky Charms Sex Test
A new study shows that your favorite Lucky Charms marshmallow bit shape can tell what you're like in bed!
The Shockwave Arcade
Shockwave versions of classic arcade games.
E-mail Addresses
This site specializes in providing email addresses for individuals who want to make a bold statement...like Jack@motherF*er.com or happy@LIkeIF*ingcare.com and 50 more to choose from!
The Jailcam
Live from the Maricopa County Jail in Phoenix Arizona.
You can watch the action in the holding cell and the search cell!
Do you know what woman really want when it comes to sex? Take this test and Learn-understand and Comprehend
Ringtones For Cellphones
If you have a Nokia, Siemens or Ericcson wireless phone you can download songs
by Limp Bizkit, Smashing Pumpkins,Offspring,and Metallica to play instead of your standard ringer.
Pearl Jam Fan Site
Ultimate Pearl Jam fan site with set lists and reviews of every show since 1990!
Pop Culture Quizes
If you're looking for a way to waste time, this is the place!
Take quizzes on sports,tv, celebrities and music.
Stan's Insult Generator
Stan from South Park is ready to help you dish out verbalized abuse.
Funny Pick Up Lines
50 of the worst pick up lines on earth.
Oooops! I Farted Again
Watch Britney Spears push out her new hit single "Oops! I Farted Again!"
Freelance Your Skills
Check out this online Marketplace of skills and services.
Compare what others charge and Post your skills for others to hire you.

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