The Leiningers & |
WhyteWynd Samoyeds |
TLC From U-N-ME ------ Bob Tina Mindi Mandi Dylan |
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whytewynd@yahoo.com |
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Contact us at: 717/865-6055 |
Best time to reach us is in the evenings. |
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Sams in our kennel (past and current) Ch. Desi * Ch. LoBo * Arianna * Ch. Libbie * Ch. Pisha * Vyper * Tavonia * Ch. Toby * CJ * BISS Ch. Quinton * Delya * Eleanor * Jazzi * Ch. Avan * Calypso * Bullitt |
Kennel Stars |
LoBo's Pedigree |
Ch. Moonlighter's Grandstander x White Magic's Artic Sonja's Dreamer: LoBo was our first bred by champion finishing quite easily by 8 1/2 months of age and having 2 BOBs over top winning specials prior to obtaining his championship. LoBo was campaigned until April, 1999, winning several BOBs and Group placings. He has been ranked in the top 30 Samoyeds in 1998,1999 and 2002. LoBo is an excellent producer as well. See his son, Quinton, below for those results. Here are more results of additional kids: Ch. Shadowlane's Windham Hill (Sonny) - finished at 21 months of age with a 5pt major at at supported show, Ch. WhyteWynd's PJ Crowd Pleaser finished with a 4pt major under breeder judge Annella Cooper (Stetson also won Winner's Dog at the CT Working Specialty March 2001 the same day Quintons daughter won Winner's Bitch and Best in Sweepstakes), WhyteWynd's In The Buzz'n Zone - pointed while shown on a limited basis (Buzz was Reserve Winner's the day his brother Stetson finished, as well as 2nd place open class winner the day his 1/2 brother Sonny finished - CONSISTENCY!) Ch. Shadowlane's Queensryche (Lacey) and Ch. WhyteWynd's Sweetn'd B'Shadowln (Desi). Note: We decided to bring LoBo out of retirement in 2002 and limited showing in 2003, and glad we did. Within the year LoBo has won 6 BOB wins and three group placings to date, including a Group 1 the Friday before the National Specialty. In 2003 he has won Best Veteran in Sweeps, and two Best Veteran at Specialties. LoBo's daughter, WhyteWynd's Finder's Keepers aka Tavonia, is making her mark too winning Best in Sweeps at the 2003 Minuteman Specialty. 2005 added more to LoBo's positive influence to the breed when his son "Neiko" went to the National Specialty. This was his first show, first time in the ring and he won 3rd place in Open in a class size of 20. Watch out for Neiko ... Upon completion of Neiko's championship, LoBo will have the opportunity to her his SCA ROM. |
Quinton's Pedigree |
Ch. WhyteWynd's King of Currumpaw x Ch. Magic Mist's Crescent Moon: Quinton followed in his father's footsteps finishing his championship at 12 months of age along side his father, who was BOB that day. By 22 months of age, Quinton won 10 BOBs, two Group 3s, one Group 2, two Group 1s and a Best in Specialty Show win. Our highlight was Quinton winning his first Group 1 the same day he won the Best in Specialty Show. Quinton has been ranked by SQ as the #1 Samoyed in the Mid-Atlantic Region (2000 & 2001) & #13 Nationally 2000 and #7 2001. 2001 earned Quinton several breed and group wins, but also started his kids careers. The highlight of 2001 was being invited and able to attend the First Annual AKC/Eukanuba Classic, where only the top 20 of each breed were invited to attend. Quinton and I were only one of two owner/handlers that were proud to show our accomplishments. Daughter, Ch. Pebbles'run the Great Gazoo finished with a major at 8 1/2 months of age, April 2001. She is now a Best in Show Winner, 2003 BOS West Minister Winner and 2004 Best of Breed Winner, multi-group winner and placer, and BOS SCA National 2002 & 2003 Winner. The final weekend of 2001 ended with Quinton taking Breed on Saturday, along with his 6 month old son taking winner's dog (almost a major too) and his daughter, Gazoo, taking Best of Opposite. Quinton was also the 2nd place Stud Dog Winner at SCA 2002 National out of a class of 15. All 4 get in the stud class were from 4 different dams. If you like Quinton, wait until you see more of his children. Quinton is what we call WYSIWYG - "What you see, is what you get!" His kids are as beautiful in type and movement as he is, including the overseas breeding. His champions to date include: 2001 BIS Ch. Pebbles'run The Great Gazoo (2004 West Minister BOB Winner), 2002 Ch. BestinSnow Diamond Studd, 2003 Ch. Ala-Kasam's Dust In The Wind, Ch. Ala-Kasam's Spirit of the Wind, Ch. Ala-Kasam's Song of the Wind, Ch. WhyteWynd's Ours De Neige, Ch. Jaylyn's How Do You Like Me Now and BIS Fin/Int Ch. WhyteWynd's Whoppee Wedidit. Quinton has get in USA and Finland, in which the kids are doing some extremely nice winning. See our Nursery for his 2006 upcoming litter. |
BISS BIS Ch. Samtara's Striking Reflection x Ch. Moonlighter's Ima Grandkid: Libbie is our newest AKC Champion. Being shown on a limited basis so that she matures, Libbie finished with a bang. After being out of the ring to mature and get her proper coat, we decided to start her out at with a 4-day weekend that included a specialty. Libbie finished the day after the specialty going Winner's Bitch and Best of Winners with a nice major win (4 points). She is the Open Bitch Class 1st place winner & Reserve Winner's Bitch at the 2000 Greater Pittsburgh Samoyed Club Specialty (this is the same show a year later that she finished at). Her outgoing energy adds life to her in the show ring. Libbie has some very nice kids out of two different breedings to LoBo. Ch. WhyteWynds Need We Say More aka Charm finished in only a few weekends. Winning 3 shows for 4pt majors and finishing at a samoyed specialty for another. font> |
Libbie's Pedigree |
Ch. Sanorka's Big Chief WhyteWynd x Sanorka's Sankofa: Pisha was the most enjoyable Sam to show. Her spirit and attitude in the ring finished her so fast. Pisha finished with 3 majors, including Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the MinuteMan Samoyed Club Specialty in November 1998. |
Pisha's Pedigree |
Toby's Pedigree |
BISS Ch. Moonsong Quintsns O'WhyteWynd x Jaylyn's Best Kept Secret: Toby finished with back to back majors, totaling three majors won. He is now part of WhyteWynds and Jaylyns breeding program. Toby has beautiful sidegait, nice bone and a typey headpiece. He produces the same beautiful WhyteWynd temperaments. |
Arianna's Pedigree |
Ch. Moonlighter's Grandstander x White Magic's Artic Sonja's Dreamer: Ari is LoBo's litter sister. She has earned a total of 9 points towards her championship, but showing was not what she enjoyed. She was happier at home being a mother. She continues to pass down her mother's wonderful temperament. Ch. WhyteWynd's Ours De Neige is an example of what she produces. |
Ch. WhyteWynd's King of Currumpaw x Ch. Moonlighter's Lady Liberty: Charm is what every show handler dreams of. Show presence, attitude and finish quickly. |
Desi's Pedigree |
WhyteWynd's Finders Keepers aka Tavonia and CH. WhyteWynd's Sweet'nd B'Shadowln aka Desi |
Ch. WhyteWynd's King of Currumpaw x Ch. Moonlighter's Lady Liberty = Tavonia Ch. WhyteWynd's King of Currumpaw x Ch. Shadow Lane's Sasha = Desi: Both Desi and Tavonia are LoBo daughters. Desi is the older of the two. Desi finished her CH on 5/17/03 & went on to win her first Best of Breed over 12 specials on 5/26/03 during the show circuit that included the Greater Pittsburgh Samoyed Specialty. It was quite a win for her. She is the third Champion in a litter of 5. Tavonia is waiting her last major, earning all other points with ease. She shows endlessly in the ring and has a statue presence. She won her first show at 6 months of age and was the Minuteman Samoyed Club 2003 Specialty Best in Sweeps Winner at 8 1/2 months. She has a little of everything and is a joy to show. She resembles Pisha (yet not related) in every way. If you see how Pisha's winning record was, you'll see why we are excited about showing Tavonia. |
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Biographical Information |
Bob & Tina have had Samoyeds since 1987. It was not until 1988 while working for a professional show handler, that they decided to take it one step further and start showing in conformation. From 1988-1991 while adding show dogs to their kennel, they also added to their human family with three children - Mindi, Mandi and Dylan. This was the start of WhyteWynd Kennels. WhyteWynd is located in a quiet town in Lebanon, Pennsylvania just outside of Hershey (Chocolate World), PA. Bob and Tina have finished several Samoyed championships, including ranking some of their Sams within the US. Of course there are more on the way. Their lives consist of working fulltime M-F during the day, grooming for clients in the evening 3 days a week, direct sales manager for two outstanding companies, and then showing and handling for themselves as well as clients on the weekends. Tina is a Longaberger Branch Leader feeding her habit of collecting baskets while earning an income to support their show habit (and yes she said she is profiting from these baskets) and both are involved in Jordan Essentials. Mindi is now ready to join adulthood and college world at Penn State. She participated in Junior Show and along with her other sister and brother, they socialize and assist training the puppies and dogs. Their breeding program is based on health and quality of the breed. A lot of research is done before a breeding is considered. OFA and CERF testing is a requirement for any dog to be considered part of their program. |
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Personal Interests |
Visit the WhyteWynd Nursery/Planned Breedings |
Tina collects and sells Longaberger Baskets & her real job is assisting returning soldiers into the VA for the deserved benefits. She also assists in Jordan Essentials family business. |
Bob loves to hunt and flying planes. |
Mindi made us proud graduating last year and now working her future life plans along with Penn State to start her career in veterinary opthamology. We know she will breeze through college and help in resolving eye issues in the breed. Her love of sams shows in her boy Vyper who is spoiled beyond belief. Having her experience as a Jr. handler in her younger years, so is able to share her knowledge with other youngsters. |
Mandi is the next in line in our family. She assists in socializing puppies and assisting us at ringside at the shows. She is our puppy whisperer in the family. She is very good in helping those that need a little help in socializing (although that usually gets us in trouble as there becomes that bond LOL>. Her love of life is in the kitchen. You want a new type of cheesecake or main dish, she'll create it. We tease her that Hell's Kitchen is waiting for her. |
Dylan - His hobby this summer is building a 1992 mustang. He works with his father and puts all his earnings into getting this car on the road. NOTE: We have now added 2 more mustangs to our restoration projects. |
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Last Revised: July 21, 2007 |
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