Welcome to Susan's Sunny Spot!

   This site has been created for a very special person,
my Mom...Susan!

She's become quite a "surfer" and faithful "emailer" in the past year, and I'm so proud of her "jump-right-in and go-for-it spirit".  She used a computer years ago when she worked for Montgomery Ward credit department in Walnut Creek, but lots has changed since then and she has really taken to this online world.

I hope to show new friends just how special she is, and maybe even share with long-time friends, things they didn't know.  We will be adding to this site as often... there are a lot of wonderful things to tell about my "Mommy", so please check back!

Being a Grandma is one of her favorite things.

Here she is with
Scott, Kaitlyn & Chelsea

Big ((hugs)) for Grandma from
Bailey & Courtney

Mom, Grandpa Duke and Aunt Juli

In addition to being a Mom and a Grandma,
she's also a loved sister and daughter

Without futher delay...
here are the pages
of Susan's Special site...

Dedication page by her children

Her beloved Bonnie

Mom's Photo Gallery

Her Cyber Garden

She's a real Cat-Person

Other Kitty Treats

Susan Enjoys...

Please take a moment and let
her know you were here...


Mallory's Cyber World

O'Neill's Little Corner of the Web

Christi's Celebration

There have been

visitors so far!