<BGSOUND SRC="/mickeylouse/mickeymousemidi.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
What's exciting about life is that every morning offers a new day with unlimited possibilities.  Yesterdays mistakes belong to yesterday.  Today is a clean slate, a chance to start over, to do or become anything you want, a chance to go for it!!!  And why not??  You deserve happiness as much as anyone else.......

So jump into life with both feet!!!  Go forward, head held high expecting the best.  You may be suprised at how often that's exactly what you will get !!!   :)  

    Thank you for stopping by..
I am so thrilled
that we met
even if on
the internet.....

I may never meet you
face to face
but have earned this friendship
at a slow steady pace.......

Even through the typing
I say what I feel
I am just as human as you
and what I feel is real.....

So to you who stop by
my dear cyber friends
keep the lines open,
and we'll chat again....


I have met so many friends through the net. 

I just wanted to say a special word about them.  I don't know what I would have done without a lot of you.

Cherry..you are the BEST girl!! Thank you for being there for me so many times!!  It's so hard to find true friends..and I feel so fortunate that I have found all of you.!!

Each one of you hold a very special place in my heart.. Thanks Again!!!!!
Love Ya!!!
Yes...This is me ....  :)