Horse Sense For People
Twisted Heiress and Miss Will Dun at play. ( photo by Tracy Meisenbach)

Welcome to my collection of education horse articles. I wrote these articles to help horse lovers to better understand their horses and the ever-changing equine industry. These articles are not sugar coated, feel good, lets pretend problems don’t exist, articles. They are forthright, and in some cases harsh, reviews of how to proceed in the horse world.

Owning a horse in these economically troubled times requires more than desire and a love for warm fuzzy creatures. It requires hard work, sound financial planning and commitment to an animal that can live 30 years or more. The average cost to keep a horse can run from $500.00 to $2,000.00 a month, depending on whether you board or keep your horse with a trainer. Add in a medical emergency and you might find a bill for a $5,000.00 colic surgery hitting your wallet. Remember, there is no such thing as a free horse. All horses cost money to feed, shoe/trim, vet, train, shelter, transport etc. If you cannot afford to properly care for a horse then don’t get one. Instead nourish your love for all things equine by utilizing rental stables, taking lessons, working for a trainer or visiting horse farms.

Horses are a huge responsibility. When you decide to embark upon the perilous journey of horse ownership be sure that you are prepared for every emergency possible. Study, read, listen, learn, filter and watch. Horse knowledge is hard won and usually requires several embarrassing mistakes before it really sinks in. Don’t despair, horses rarely laugh out loud.

I hope you enjoy the following articles. Please send me any comments or critiques to
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  • Tracy Meisenbach


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