The American Silkie Bantam Club -- The original Silkie Club here in the
United States, the ASBC, is a large group devoted to raising and breeding Silkies. Show breeders and pet breeders both find a place in this organization. You will find a link to an application for
Club membership and some other useful information.
Silkie Exhibitors and Breeders of America, Inc. -- A new Silkie Club has formed in the USA which is exclusively dedicated to encouraging the breeding and exhibiting of show quality Silkies.
The Silkie Club of Great Britain -- One of my personal favorites! Our
friends from the U.K. have a web page of their own with some VERY nice
Specialklubben for Silkehøns -- Visit the home page of the Danish
Silkie Club! More very nice photos!!! Updated
Silkie Club of Australia, Inc.
c/o Secretary, Sue Scott
6 Colville Rd
Yellow Rock
Australia 2777
New Contact Information!
The Silkie Club of Australia doesn't have an official web
page. However, here is a link to an "unofficial" page with some useful information about Silkie Breeders in Australia and the Silkie Club of Australia:
The Silkie Club of New Zealand -- This lovely page
includes the Silkie standards for New Zealand from the New Zealand Poultry
Standards. The page is located at MSN and includes a list of New Zealand
Silkie breeders.
The Swiss Silkie and Poland Breeders Club (Schweizerischer
Siedenhuhn- und HaubenhŸhner-ZŸchterclub) - Contact information for the Swiss Club
and a few photos. Nice logo!
The Silkie and Poland Club of Germany (Sonderverein der Züchter
der Seidenhühner und Zwerghaubenhühner) - Good photos, breeders list, contact
information and lovely sketches. . . Be sure to check out the web site of the
Club secretary, Friedel Schwager, which is listed farther down the page under "Great Silkie
Sites from Around the World"
The Dutch Silky Fowl Club - Seidenhühnerclub in Holland
- Take a look at this one! It is even in English for those Silkie
breeders who are linguistically challenged like myself. There are some
lovely photos and a copy of the Dutch Standard for Silkies. Be sure to
look at Photopage 3 for a picture of a rare and beautiful Cuckoo Silkie
Have I missed your Club? Please let me know!
The American Silkie Bantam Club's Yahoo Discussion Group --
Email with dozens of Silkie breeders from around the world on this free email list.
Learn a lot about Silkies and feel free to ask questions. Most breeders are located in the
USA. However, the list includes members from Europe and Australia and a
few other places. Participation in the discussion group is
free to any Silkie fancier registered with the discussion group, not just
American Silkie Bantam Club members. Silkie fanciers of all degrees of
knowledge and expertise are welcome. The list includes a large number of
show breeders as well as many breeders who love their Silkies as pampered pets
SilkieBreeders Yahoo Group -- Silkie Breeders and Exhibitors
- This new list states that it is for serious Silkie breeders and those
persons interested in the exhibition of Silkies. Like the ASBC List, it is
free. It is a smaller group but it is certain to be a friendly one!
The Silkie Bantam Standard Forum -- Silkie Breeders and Exhibitors
- I formed this new group on MSN which is devoted to systematically analyzing the Silkie Bantam Standard in the USA with an eventual goal of submitting suggestions to the ABA and APA to assist poultry judges in evaluating Silkie Bantams. This group is for serious and experienced show
breeders of Silkie Bantams. Interested observers (aka lurkers) are very
welcome but questions relating to showing, breeding, genetics and
general Silkie care should be directed to one of the other groups.
The Awesome Silkie Bantam Chat -- A large friendly list with an extensive archive, this group is a good source of information for beginners to the Silkie breed.
The Poultry Page's Silkie Site -- A virtual Silkie showcase! The
largest collection of Silkie photos on the web (apart from my site) is on this site. Also on the site
are links to some of the other Silkie sites listed here.
The Chook Shed -- This site contains some nice photos of and
information about Australian Silkies. The best find on the site is the
reproduction of Hashime Murayama's painting of white Silkies from the April 1927
issue of National Geographic -- truly a work of art.
Friedel's Silkie Page -- Silkies from Germany! This page is the
personal homepage of the secretary of the Silkie Club in Germany (also one of
the A.S.B.C. Onelist members) and it gives a rare insight into the quality of
Silkies in Germany.
Silkies in the Netherlands! -- Visit Joke Osinga and her
Silkies! Find some excellent tips in English(!) on caring for Silkies and be sure to look at
all the Silkie pictures... Joke has move some of her Silkie information over to
the Dutch Silky Fowl Club's page but her own pages are still very nice. Be sure to look at both links! and
Pamela's Silkie Chickens-- This page just has a
wealth of useful information for the beginner. . .
Fowl Play -- This UK based web page of chickens, bantams and
waterfowl shows a photo of a nice pair of large white Silkies. You will also
find some Silkie history here!
Silkies at the Zoo -- Would you believe that the Honolulu Zoo had a
pair of white Silkies on exhibit?
James Vincent's Silkie Page -- Mr. Vincent politely pleads for
information on the Silkie on his page. If anyone out there knows of articles or
books about Silkie Bantams that might be of interest, please let Mr. Vincent AND
ME know!
Chickscope: Silky Fowls -- Another site with very useful information
and some more nice photos. . .
Poultry Breeds - Silkie Bantam Chicken -- This good information
source describes the standard for the Silkie bantam in America.
Why the best-looking chicks don't go home with you...Feathered
Flights of Fancy-- This online article from Smithsonian Magazine shows an
interesting photo of Silkies.
Tommy Andersen´s Hjemmeside -- Look to this page to give you insight
into Silkies in Denmark! Nice photos!!! (Hint: Check out the link on the page to
"Billeder" to get to the photos...)
Flower's Hen Web -- Go over and meet Jen's Silkies! She even has one
that is a "mystery" color...
The 4S Bar Silkies! -- See some nice photos of some Silkies over on
Jennifer's homepage!
Little Rooster -- A site from the UK with some lovely photographs!
Silkie Hens at Kintaline Farm in Scotland -- The first
Scotish Silkie site that I have found. . .
HatTrick Silkies - Hockey fans and Silkie fans rolled into one! Kidding
aside, look at this great page for step by step instruction on how to pack eggs
for shipping. There is also a useful discussion of netting pens to protect
Silkies from overhead attacks from hawks. This site is a combination of
Featherfoot Farm and Stetson Farm.
Maravelis Exotic Animals - This site includes an interesting bit of
history. The author states that he believes that the first Silkie color
was black and that white followed as a mutation. If anyone has seen an old
article or manuscript verifying this information, please pass along the
reference to me for my Silkie library!
Earth Spirit Preserve - Another site with some cute Silkie photos!
Pet Info For You - Go look at the darling photos of the Silkie chicks.
This web page also sports a nice care sheet for Silkies.
Pocket Flocks - "If everyone kept a few banties in their backyard, there
would be no wars." This site is not exclusively "Silkie"
related but the quote was so good that I just had to include it!
Tim Burke's Pigeons and Bantams - This site is one of my favorites!
Take a look at the prize winning photo of the handful of Silkie Chicks.
Tim had to keep nudging them because they kept falling asleep and closing their
eyes. He sneezed and all of them looked up just in time for his son to snap the
picture! Beautiful!
Chicken Brains: True Stories - No photos . . . but take time to read
about "Super Silkie Mom" and Big Rooster. It is why I love the
breed. The Silkie part is deeply metaphorical and the article is good on many
French Silkie Standard -- The French name for the Silkie is the Nègre soie.
Go to this page to see the standard in French. This link will bring you to
the "species" homepage. Find the "S" menu and click on
Silkie Bantam to get to the good stuff! There is also a nice bit of history
under the "history" link.
COMANCHE MOON FARM -- Raynell Key's Silkie place out West
Aristosoie - A French page devoted to the Silkie . . .
Some Things I Want My Granddaughters To Know by Renie Szilak Burghardt - Just
read it! Silkies are in the story.
"Hen Pen" -- Home of the Woodpightel Cottage Poultry
-- Nice little information page on the Silkie and a few
other breeds. The real find is a LOVELY water color banner of buff and
blue Silkies!
Anna's Chicken Farm - A nice page. Love the animation...
One Strange Bird! -- A beautiful and chatty page with a bit of folk lore
about the healing powers of Silkie soup from an American point of view. . .
'N Strut Silkie Bantams -- Visit this lovely page to see some
"different" Silkie colors!'s Silkie Fact Sheet -- Excellent information source!
Backyard Chickens' Silkie Page -- Really a very nice article on the current status of Silkies in the USA these days. . .
Hans L. Schippers's Silkie Page - Read a little more history from the Dutch point of view. . . This page is in English and is definitely worth a visit!
The Pearson Zoo -- Visit the Pearson Zoo's picture-trail to see some stunning photos!
China Taihe Original Silkie Fowl Ecological Protection Area - Since Silkies
originated in Asia, this site deserves a place at the top of the list of Silkie
sites in the Orient. Take a look at the article "The Original
Silkie Fowl" on this site for a bit of Silkie legend that you will not find
Interested in Silkies in China? "The Mystical Taihe Black-Boned
Chicken" is a translation of an article about Silkies from a Chinese
The Ominous Black Chicken - Read a synopsis of a play about the healing
power of that famous sacred bird, the Silkie . . .
Silkies in Korea In Korea, Silkies are a designated
endangered domestic specics. Read more about this situation
Asahi Ukokkei Research Centre: See a Research Center in Japan
dedicated to investigating the curative powers of Silkie eggs!
Silky Fowl -- More testimony to the healing power of the Silkie egg .
. .
MIMASAKA UKOKKEI CHICKEN -- "How about running
your own store that sells Ukokkei yolk oil?"
"The Animals of My Home" -- A homepage of a gentleman in Japan who
has some pet Silkies . . .
Japan Poultry Science Association -- Read the article on Japanese Native Fowl
from people who should know. Silkies or Ukokkei do not originate in Japan!
I think the confusion comes from the silky-feathered Chabo or Japanese Bantam
which is a uniquely Japanese creation.
Interested in more information about Silkies in
Japan? The pictures of the "Ukokkei" (a Japanese word for Silkie)
are great but I wish I could read Japanese!!! If you read Japanese, love
Silkies, and could assist in translating these pages, PLEASE email me! By the
way, if your browser prompts you to download some Japanese text support, feel
free to click "no" to the download. You DON'T need it to view the