This is Joan and Cindy's Page!
The Front Door:
The Main Page. You can get to any of my pages from this page! Recommended for first time surfers!
The Windows:
Click on any random window on the main house and they all go to sites inside my site!Like my dog, my cat, and poems! But besure to navigate within there, because I have many more pages! Recommended for people who have been here before!
Addition on the House: This window has a link to my new website! It has reviews on music, movies, books, online resources, and has a cool awards program. Check it out!
Nothing inside has really changed as far as a such a drastic change like this page! I am excited to present this page and want to thank Grandma George's Page for helping me with this webpage map. Her link is below!
Enjoy my site and please come back again!
Come on, don't be selfish! If you think this site is really nice please have your friends come visit me too by clicking below!
If you want to know when this site is updated, you're more than welcome to join my mailing list! E-mails are sent out either weekly, or bi-weekly. You can cancel anytime you want.
I am so thankful I won this award. I worked so hard on my webpage and glad for everybody who voted for me. I'd like to say thanks to those people and April for making me this award. The other pages were really nice and I had really hard competition. Thanks :o)
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