doug's just mucking about

stuff from before
09.15.01 shattered.
01-06.01 trip travelogues
12.28.00 a sort of homecoming...and an education.
12.02.00 sy's interactive birthday card
10.18.00 a musical monologue (damn, this was fun).
09.18.00 a note for my aunt
02.15.00 letters to andrew part I (unfinished)
01.23.00 doug takes happy pills. watch and see.
01.04.00 it's a gas...doug's obsession, volume 6.
12.15.99 movie night and i'm gettin' out.
11.30.99 just because i can
11.27.99 thanksgiving pig-out
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i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! i missed y'all too much. now, does anyone care?

sorry, this has been discontinued. realized the folks that are reading this are, well, actually reading this. new plan soon.

strange to think that as i sit here, watching tv and mucking about on the computer, there's teams of american kids younger than me running around in the brush and sand of afghanistan, trying to find and kill people. weird.

wow...i'm like in LA. kinda weird! it's not bad...i think i've been too busy to say that...right now it just is.

every time i think i'm over this september 11 stuff, i remember this:

i'm not sure i'll ever get over that.

it's just one of those days where things go from good to bad to good and back again. dreams of children running on fields...the passion of music i haven't felt in such a long time...the warmth of old friends...the feeling of family. up against loneliness and uncertainty, concern and fear. it can really tire a guy out. so tonight the house is in preparation mode, random boxes of experience and passsion here and there, awaiting stuffing and transfer. tomorrow it all goes...well, except us. we sit in the house and stare at each other and realize it's all going down...there's no stopping it now. friday we're in the car, watching the cows and dustballs of rural california as we speed to the next place where we'll hang our hats.

it's really here. bags are getting packed. i'm outta SF in 36 hours. wow.

2001 is a year of transition. for everyone. think about it. i guarantee you've gone through something major this year.

(currently debating the merits of posting one's life on a public forum. deciding i'll keep doing it, and even get more intense, though i know it will bite me in the ass...see, i like to pretend that what's posted here is completely separate from real life. hope you'll feel the same way.)

is it OK to be just "over" the Taliban?

really starting to appreciate the pleasures of a night at home...even though our place is a mess (we move in a week), it's nice to spend a night in front of the TV. is this what your 30's are all about?

walked the beach with chona today...yom kippur means a day at the beach, i guess. stepped through the tidepools, marveled at the colors and textures of the sea like a little kid, and smelled days of Southold youth.

told my dad i wasn't going to his wedding today. in this relationship, no matter what i do, i feel like shit. it's weird to have a problem that literally has no solution.

good times.

went to dinner with kenny last night at houston's. god, it's been a long time since i just hung out with someone. no agenda, no distractions, just hanging.

oh, how i'm going to miss noe valley!

i've never been good at articulating what i love about this city and my neighborhood...i mean, other than friends i know from elsewhere, i'm not really buddies with anyone in my hood. and yet there's a cameraderie that is tangible, and a sense of kindness and generosity and "small town" values that i absorb like a sponge. you've never seen so many American flags around our valley these days, and there's so many little quirks about this place (the mystery book store, the freaky republican guy on 24th street, the mini German ghetto on 28th street...i've walked these streets many times, and each time it just gets better.

i really, really must go to sleep. i hope tomorrow's better than today, and i hope the day after is better than that one. i love my american flag, and i am proud to wave it. i believe in racial profiling. i mean, sort of. i don't want to fly. but i want to go places. i dream of trees and grass and dew. they seem so far away, though they are just outside the window. i long for the friends that i have, but i don't. i'm a walking contradiction. call me Alanis.

i look forward to many completely baseless accusations in this here blog.

here we go.

always remember

queenstown, nz:
there goes the wife

paro, bhutan:
rebuilding tiger tops

kathmandu, nepal:
the wheel of life