As you can see this page is about my CATS, My Family, and my hobbies (still have to get around to that (Bonsai, Cooking, reading Fantasy- and Science Fiction, and a lot more besides). The Cats were meant to be mainly Siamese (or 'Meezers as some -crazy- people call them), and my wife DID get adopted by Calvencade Cats Tabby's Kuni Yoshi (Kuni to his friends). Through circumstances beyond my control (and NOW I really must ) I myself first got adopted as HIS human being (or bean in 'Meezer-talk) by a ruddy Somali, Apollo Of Glastonbury Tor, affectionately called DoorakK by his friends. Then Kris, Doorak's breeder, -knowing that I would have liked a ruddy Abyssinian female- gave me Delilah Of Glastonbury Tor to care for. She is called Laylah in daily life, and The Princess Laylah in : a Somali/Abyssinian variant, who is meant to improve the ticking in her Somali line, and next -before I had time to think - she shipped Soraja De l'ecureuil (commonly known as Pippi, because of the (lack) of sound she makes ) to us, a sorrel full-fledged Abyssinian, to take care of. If you scroll down you will meet chapters on all of them (some of which are still under construction), and you will be given the opportunity to meet them all in the picture pages, which follow every chapter. Kuni is my mainstay and reason for my membership of . I am indebted to ALL of my friends in SICC for their support and for all of the technical Fun and Jokes you will meet on the page I have to thank SOME (Aad, Darrell, and Paula for the teaching and helping of this 'PUTER-ILliterate; and Diane and Gwyneth for their criticism of my English). If I have forgotten anyone, please FORGIVE me, my Short Term Memory (STM) is failing me rather severely these days. I'll try to make up for that in the chapter Acknowledgements.


Click on/select the subject you want to see:

My Family

History of "my" past Cats (Rikki, Bumipol, Manja)


History of "my" past Cats (Pooky, Siru)


History of "my children's" Cats (Brandal, Megumi, Akemi, Ryoko)

Pics again! (Brandal, Megumi and her litter)

Pictures of Mei-lan's Cats (Brandal, Akemi)

"My" Present Cats (Doorak, KuniYoshi)

And Pictures OF COURSE!

"My" 'not so future' Cats (Laylah and Pippi) They're with us NOW!


More Laylah Pictures!

POISON PLANTS (Manual)(26.6kB)

.... (unknown English name) - Aquilegia(43.8kB)

Aquilegia - Bird of Paradise(29.3kB)

Bird of Paradise - China Berry(44.4kB)

China Berry - Devil-in-a-Bush(45.8kB)

Devil-in-a-Bush - Hackberry(37.3kB)

Hackberry - Kaffir Lily(37.6kB)

Kaffir Lily - Monstera(43.7kB)

Monstera - Pieris(43.3kB)

Pieris - Snakeroot(38.0kB)

Snakeroot - Yew Tree(56.3kB)

Dangerous (Poisonous) Substances

Exciting Links


Awards !

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Updated last on 08/09/99 12:16:26 by Hans

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