Rest In Peace Darling
Here are other pictures of me. I hope you enjoy them. I love to pose.
My real name is "Gidget" and I am a black toy poodle, born in Tifton, Georgia, on November 23, 1984. I live with my family in Ardmore, Alabama, just south of the Tennessee border. I moved here with my family in 1985 and have been here ever since, with no plans to leave. I hope to hear from others who appreciate the role pets play in people's lives. Please visit me often and tell others about my site. Don't forget to sign my Guestbook before leaving.
My mommy is a homemaker. She keeps the house in order and takes me places. She thinks she watches over me, but, we all know who the "Queen" of this house is. We watch "QVC" together in the evenings and often get really lazy.
One of my brothers is a policeman and I love him very much. Everytime I go visit him or he visits me, he always gives me a snack or my favorite munchie, candy corn.
My other brother is in the Air Force and lives away from home, so I don't see him very much.
I was about 8 weeks old when this was taken. I sure like to play with toys. Ask me what a "Mommy Go" toy is.
This is my favorite resting place, on the back of my Daddy's chair. We watch Alabama football from here. ROLL TIDE!!!
Here is another closeup of me. I told you I liked to pose. Check out the ribbons.
Mommy is reading but I am waiting for Daddy to talk to me.
I just love to be cuddled. My Daddy really loves me a lot.
I am laying on my bed, guarding my snacks. I don't let anyone get near them. They are ALL MINE!
This is Cookie. She was the baby of the family for over 15 years and kept mommy and daddy company until God called her to heaven just a month before I arrived. When I go to be with God, I will meet her and together we will wait for Mommy and Daddy to cross that "Rainbow Bridge" and be with us for eternity.
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