哈囉 歡迎來到我們的網頁 我們是一對可愛的姊妹花
左邊灰色的叫阿灰  英文名字是叫Ashley
右邊黑條紋的是阿黑 英文名字是叫Baby

Hello, welcome to our page. Aren't we cute?
The one on the left is Ashley
The one on the right is Baby

這張照片是我們開了眼睛後拍的第一張. 左邊的是阿灰, 
右邊的是阿黑  抱著我們的當然是TERRY囉

We were found by our owner Terry in the trash bin at a park near
her home.  This is our first picture taken after we have opened
our eyes. Ashley is on the left, and Baby is the one on the right.
Who is the person that is holding us? Terry of course.

這是我(阿灰)一個多月時的照片 那時的我可是藍眼睛的喔 小時候的我可是人見人愛   誰也沒想到我長大後會是一隻會咬人的貓喔

Hi, this is how I(Ashely) looked at one month old. I had blue eyes and I was so adorable then, that no one ever predict that I will grow up to be a
vicious cat that bites.


哈囉 大家好 我是阿黑 小時候的我是不是很可愛呢﹖我長大後是一隻大肥貓
我最喜歡吃薯片和冰淇淋 ,可是TERRY都不給我吃 我要找機會偷吃才吃得到  我最喜歡的做的事是睡覺  我最討厭的事就是去獸醫那裡打針

Hello everyone, I am Baby. This picture was taken when I was about one
month old. Now I am a big fat cat that weight 15 lbs. My favorite food are 
potato chips and ice cream,but Terry won't let me eat junk food now. My
favorite hobby is sleeping, and I hate going to the veterinarian.


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