Welcome to my web page designed specifically for the gerbil lover.

*The orange cones are up on this page, if you don't like it, you can kiss my gerbil.*

My gerbil world is composed of 4 breeding pairs as well as 6 other permanent members. I am an official gerbil breeder and have new pups available quite often. For a list of available gerbils please look below
under Available Gerbils. Feel free to browse around my page.

Questions? Comments? Let me know!


The Gerbil Tree and the Family Portraits -- See all the gerbils who have lived in my gerbil
world as well as their genealogies. THIS PAGE NOW HAS PICTURES!

Links to other Cages -- Links to other great pages.

This page last updated August 5, 1999

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This page is the property of Robert Marshall and is maintained by R. Marshall and Veronica Wolf.