I believe that every student can learn and wants to learn.  The challenge in teaching is determining what will assist each student to reach their maximum potential.  My role as teacher is as facilitator of that educational process. I look forward to meeting that challenge and gaining satisfaction from impacting the lives of the students who enter my classroom.  I believe that, in recognizing that students are individuals and learn differently, it is important to remember that "differentness" is a positive thing in a classroom.  Students and teachers, in their lack of uniformity, have a great deal to teach each other.  Indeed, I believe that, as a teacher, I will learn as much from my students as they learn from me.  Uniqueness and individuality in learning style as well as personality need to be held as positive elements both by the teacher and by the other students.
          My education began at the University of California where I studied both Chemistry and Zoology with a strong Math emphasis.  I feel very fortunate to have continued my education at the University of Idaho and have very much enjoyed the FCS curriculum in which I feel as though I have found my special niche.  I have lived in Moscow for 4-1/2 years now and I will remain on the Palouse to serve our local community once my program at the University of Idaho is completed.
Mrs. Wommack's Web Pages
Plummer-Worley, School District #44
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Food Sciences
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