Calvin feels lost without his Hobbs ... I know how he feels...

Clancy's Web Page

Clancy's Webpage

Hello, Welcome to my webpage. My name is Michele and I dedicate this page to my dog Clancy. He passed away this past month. He was a miniature short-haired red dachsy. Clancy was a registered dachshund and his paper name was Sir Clarence Fredrick the Great. We called him Clancy. There have been 4 generations of dachshunds in my family that were always named Clancy. Clancy was born June 29th, 1991 and passed away May 10th, 1999. He would have been eight. Since we didn't have any children of our own we spoiled him. He brought us a lot of joy. Since I work at home he was my constant companion. He went everywhere with my husband Keith & I. We was very loving & loyal to us. We miss him terribly. But feel greatful for the time that he was with us.

Here's Our Pup

This one is my favorite

Here's some others, I wish I would've taken more.

We don't get much sunlight in the house but when we do he'd find a little patch and laze in the sun for awhile

He liked to mess up our pillows and curl up in them. When he wasn't on our laps that's where we'd find him...Snug as a bug...

He spent lots of time on my lap while I worked...

When I wouldn't let him sit with me he'd sit on the floor by my chair. Here he is giving me that 'sad - eyed' look. It usually worked too...

When it didn't work, he'd lie down with his chewie and take a rest

Clancy went everywhere with us. He loved to ride in the car and quite often got stuck in the sleeves of our coats...Goofy Dog

We like to ride in the country just to see what we could find. Clancy liked to do the same...Always hoping to see some deer or turkeys...Anything that moved

We Miss Him Dearly

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