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This list is intended to give you an idea of the abundance of edible plants available just about everywhere. Remember to use only plants and grasses for sources that have not been chemically treated.
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinaleMallow - Malva rotundifoliaSow Thistle - Cirsium vulgarePlantain (all)- Plantago majorEvening Primrose - Oenothera biensisKudzu - Puerar lobataChickweed - Cerastium vulgatumChicory - Cichorium intybusLambs Quarters - Chenopodium albumBugleweed - Ajuga reptansViolet (ssp) - (all- not African ) Viola sspWild Carrot - Daucus carotaClover - (all)Honeysuckle - Lonicera japonicaWatercress - Yarrow - Achellea millefoliumButterfly Bush - Buddleja sp.Daisy - Bellis perennisPink Perslane - Montia sibiricaMiners Lettuce - M. perfoliataSpreading Dayflower - Commelina diffusaMilk Weed - Asclepias species (all) leaves and flowersCacti - Opuntia
Pansy - (all) leaves and flowersLily - Lilium lancifolium (Tiger Lily) / L. bulbiferum /L. candidum / L. pardalinum / L. speciosumDay Lillies - Hemerocallis species (all) leaves and flowersPortacula - (moss rose) GrandifloraSedum - Hen and Chicks - Monkey Plant - Petunia - Spider Plant - Staghorn Fern - Umbrella Plant - Darmera peltata / Petasites hrbridusWandering Jew - (all)Zinnia - Swedish Ivy - GazaniaSempervivum Ostrich Fern - Matteucia pennsylvanciaTree Fern - Dicksonia antarticaDichondra - Yucca - (all)Coreopsis - Giganta / tinctoria / tinctoria atkinsonianaLavender - Santontolia chamaecyparissusBromelaids -
St. Johns Wort - Hypericum ferforatumGeranium (wild and domestic)Strawberry - (donmestic and wild)Aloe Vera - (all)Echinacea - AngustifoliaMarigold - (Domestic and wild)
TimothyAlfalfa - LucereneOatgrassPearl MilletBermudaBuffaloRyeVetchTrefoilOrchardBuckwheatBromeFescuePampasgrassWild oats - Avena fatua Couchgrass - Agropyon repens
Hibiscus (leaves and flowers)Mulberry tree leavesFig tree leavesGrape vine leavesBanna leaves
Medicinal Plants & list of native African plants. Misty Corton at the Care Centre in South AfricaMelissa Kaplans - Edible Plant ListHorsefield Plant List - Jane NicollMediterranean Tort Plants - Linda King LLL Reptile's List of Non Toxic Plants Suitable for Landscaping Reptile and Amphibian Enclosures.
Search The USDA Nutrient Database For Standard Reference -Nutrient Data LaboratoryWisconsin State Herbarium plant search engine CalFlora - database of plant picturesPlants for a future - Resource and information centerfor edible and other useful plants
( Opuntia Cacti ) ( Healthy Tortoise Grazing Mix ) ( Dish Gardens Grazing Mixes ) ( Calcium & Kelp Supplement ) ( Home )
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