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Special note from Kitty Lea...
Hello! And welcome! I'm your hostess, Kitty Lea. Please be advised that this site is currently under remodeling and many of the links no longer work at the present time. This is only temporary, please come back again soon and see the new site!! We hope to have a new site up at www.KittyLea.com by the end of March, 2008. In the meanwhile please feel free to browse the working parts of this site. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you for visiting my little corner of the web. If you are fond of any or all variants of felis domesticus (or, if you prefer, felis catus), as well as any of our relatives, you have found a special place just for you!
This site is lovingly dedicated to all of the homeless, unwanted, and unloved cats in the world who have no place to go and are in need of care, companionship, and shelter. It is my belief that all cats are worthy of these basic needs.
![]() *** NOTICE *** Even if you read nothing else at this site, please take the time to read this important information about spaying and neutering
Cats (and d*gs too!) without homes and care are subject to injury, illness, abuse, and a short, miserable life. I ask that all pet owners please think about their responsibility to do their part to help prevent unwanted kittens and puppies by having their pets neutered or spayed. Just the thought of unwanted, unloved, hungry, and sick animals all alone and dying in some alley or abandoned building or being euthanized in an animal shelter is just too sad. And it's especially sad to know that it is more than just a thought, but an all too common reality. I have a page containing three poignant poems that I would like everyone to read and think about. Please take just the two minutes you will need to read these poems at my Something to Think About page.
Although all responsible pet owners will do their part to help prevent unwanted litters, there is still more that we can all do to help the plight of those homeless kitties that have already been born. Investing only a small amount of time and money into caring for strays and feral cats will make a big difference in the lives of those kitties and is very satisfying. Here's a page where you will find links to sites with additional information on how we can help those less fortunate kitties. You can also read why some people help strays and ferals, and why they find it so rewarding.
Jeff and Diane's Feral and Stray Cat Information Page
Web Rings I am happy to be a member of several cat-oriented Web Rings. If you arrived at this site by using a Ring and want to continue on, or if you want to begin navigating with a Ring, then you need to go to my Web Rings Page.
Kitty's Web Rings
Please take a moment to sign my guestbook!
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