Welcome to our life!

I kept telling Jennifer that one of these days I would scan a bunch of our pictures in digital format and make a website that would contain a brief history of where we've been and what is happening in the present. I finally got around to working on it and here it is. This site will be work in progress until I run out of space. I'll update it as new things happen and as new pictures come in.

The site is arranged in order to take you from when Jennifer and I met up to present day. I've also included several pictures of our cats. I'll try to keep a miscellaneous photo section in case there is one that doesn't follow into the story line.

Jen and I met in class one day when I decided to switch sides of the room. I stole her footstool. The rest was history, or at least Western Civilizations 2. Here’s some of our Marquette University experiences, at least the ones we can tell.

The Marquette Experience

We were engaged in Mercer, Wisconsin in late summer 1996. The plan was to get married in April 97, but I received orders to be at Fort Lee, Virginia in February. We made some quick decisions and plans and moved the wedding forward to January.

The Engagement   The Wedding

After a completion of the Quartermaster Officer Basic Course and the Aerial Delivery and Materials Officer Course at Fort Lee, Jennifer and I moved to our first home at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Fayetteville / Fort Bragg - North Carolina

Over the past couple of years, Jennifer and I seemed to collect a family of cats. Jennifer very much believes in saving animals from being stray, put down, or any other negative thing that may happen to them. With this in mind, we now have four cats!!! Tigger, Rigger, Penelope, and Ike round out the bunch. Check out these crazy cats.

Crazy Cats

If you would like to contact us by snail mail or phone, we can be reached at:
250-11 Waterdown Dr.
Fayetteville, NC 28314
(910) 826-0717

Send us an email. It's faster and easier.