The Silver Cord That Connects Us
All of us with pets know that sooner or later...they leave us and go to a better place. They go to the Rainbow Bridge and there they wait for us, to come and collect them on our way through to the other side. For those of you that don't know the Bridge and
the story of here.
For the rest of us...I put a few links on this page that go to some great pet loss support pages, other page dealing with the Bridge and I also have a "memorandium" for my own personal pets that have passed on.
Placing their names here along with a brief story, is my way of showing that they still live on, in my heart as well as my mind.
I also have some pages for pets that are still here and share their love each day; Satine, Katie and Pixi, Lily, Freeway, Buster, Aiko, Kai, Jess, and Razzle.
I think that all animals who have gone on ...need to be remembered. For the pets that I have owned and are waiting at the bridge...I have created this page with names and stories of my animals that are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.
So- you really came to this page to meet Satine, Katie and Pixi, Lily, Buster, Aiko, Kai, Jess, Razzle and Freeway didn't you!! Well- ok- here you go-----
Love puppies? Then visit Kai, my tri colored short coated Border Collie. He's a little charmer!
Need more puppy? Well how about Jess, a border collie/blue heeler mix that was adopted from the Wichita Falls, TX Humane Society when I was TDY with the Air Force. Too "plain" to be put up for adoption, she found a home in my heart.
Click here to see my beautiful Appaloosa. She is my first horse, and she is like a big 1200 pound puppy dog! Eeks!! Coming soon also on this page is Katie, my QH and Pixi, my pony!
A special little bird lives here! This is Lily's page. She is a green cheeked conure and she is quite the lover!!
Click here to visit Razzle dog. She is the "odd ball" of the family.
Want to meet a kid-bird-dog-cat? That's what we call Aiko! She was our bottle fed cat who doesn't seem to know what she is!
Wanna see a kitty with no tail.....then Buster is the one you gotta read about!
Last, but not least, click here to see my beautiful Freeway kitty. She also has a very unique story.
I have my own page of links that you can check out- it covers things from being a vegetarian to declawing your cat to fur farming. Click here to check that out.
Pet Loss Links
So, your friend has passed on to the bridge and you are still here, without them. I know how difficult it is to not be greeted at the door, to wake up and find that you have the WHOLE bed to yourself, to see the empty food bowl and worse, that spot in your heart that is void. Something is missing. Whether it be a cat, dog, bird, rodent, horse or likewise, living without your companion animal seems almost impossible. But below, are some links to help. To help you grieve, to help you accept, to help you cope and to help you move on (without forgetting about that special critter).
~Virtual Pet Cemetery
~Waiting For Us At Rainbow Bridge
~Pet Loss Support
I hope that some of these links will help you in your time of need. This quote by Isla Pachal Richardson makes it clear how the animals feels about leaving us.
Grieve not,
Nor speak of me with tears,
But laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you,
I loved you so,
T'was Heaven here with you"
Just remember those words when things get tough!
And imagine them, new again, at the Rainbow Bridge!
To email me click on the mailbox!

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