Vince and Nancy Giammusso's Minpins

The Giammusso's Minpins

Dog Runs

Christmas 2004 Family Photo
Christmas 2004

Well here it is, our 2004 Christmas Photo. As you can see we have some more additions to the family. The photo has the following dogs in this order. Max, Dallas, Glory, Tony & Nikki in the back row and Bella (epi dog), Lucy and Isaiah in the front row. Isaiah, Glory, Tony, Dallas and Bella are all IMPS rescues. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Meet Bella (formerly Mouse)!

August 2004

Bella came to us in August. She was born in May 7, 2004 and was taken from her Momma at 5 weeks old. She started having Seizures in June and her Dad turned her over to rescue in KS. My husband, ever the softy, decided we should take care of her and we flew her in from KS in August. Bella still has seizures and we are trying to get them under control. She is now only 7 months old, the seizures are only every 10-14 days but we have home that a visit with the neurologist next week will help. Keep your fingers crossed for our 5 lb little girl. She is very sweet. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Christmas 2003 Family Photo
Christmas 2003

Well here it is, our 2003 Christmas Photo. As you can see we have a few new additions to the family. The photo has the following dogs in this order. Nikki, Lucy, Max, Isaiah, Glory, Tony & Dallas. Isaiah, Glory, Tony & Dallas are all IMPS rescues. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Meet Tony Baroney!

August 2003
Family Photo

My husband has had another foster failure and can't let this one go, so he is now #7 in the Giammusso Family. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Updated Family Photo!

March 2003
Family Photo

It was a nice sunny day and all the puppers were laying on the steps in the sun, so I could not keep myself from taking new photos. Dallas, Glory, and Isaiah are all rescued Minpins from IMPS. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Meet the New Addition to the Giammusso Family!

Isaiah! December 2002

Meet Isaiah. He is on the left in this photo. Our Lucy is on the right. Isaiah was a stray found in Iowa and was brought east by Chuck Hazen. When Vince met Isaiah, he couldn't believe how much he looked like Lucy and how sweet he was. Vince was convinced before I even got home from work. So we adopted him from IMPS. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.


Christmas 2002 Family Photo
Christmas 2002

This is our 2002 Christmas photo. It isn't our best, but it is the best we could do. You might notice that Bambi is not in the photo and there are only 5 dogs. Bambi and Nikki were fighting and Nikki almost killed her so we decided for Bambi's safety she should go to a new home. We are in touch with her new family (They are volunteers with IMPS) and she is doing very well with her Doberman sister Lexi. We miss her very much but know she is spoiled rotten with her new family. Bambi, Dallas, and Glory are all rescues from IMPS. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Sad news

Bambi & Nikki are fighting
Bambi & Nikki

Last September Nikki & Bambi had a fight. We thought it was displaced aggression because the fights were always at the fence. The first one Bambi hurt Nikki. We thought it would be the last, however in late June of 2002 they had another serious fight and Nikki almost killed Bambi. We have come to the very hard decision that we cannot let them live together any longer or one of them will end up possibly dead. So much to my heartbreak, we have had to find Bambi a new home. She is now living with a great couple who have a Doberman named Lexi and she is a very spoiled girl. I get to see her and talk to her new Mom often. We will miss her very much. She was the light of my life, but I know she is in good hands.


Nikki and Glory! July 2002
Nikki & Glory

This is just a new photo of Nikki and Glory. Glory was rescued 9/11/01 along with 9 other dogs from a Lancaster County PA puppy mill. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.


Sketch of the Giammusso Family! July 2002
The Family

This beautiful sketch was done by my nephew John. He is a tattoo artist by trade and a good one at that. When he gave this to me on my birthday, he made me cry. The dogs are Glory, Lucy, Max, Nikki, Bambi & Dallas. Isn't it beautiful. Glory, Bambi & Dallas are all rescues. If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

The 2001 Family Christmas Photo.

Happy Holidays!

There's a new addition to the Giammusso Family.

Meet Glory - December 2001


Meet Glory. She is the newest addition. On September 11, 2001 we went to Lancaster, PA to pick up 5 adults and 4 puppies from a Amish puppy mill that was closed down. The mother had the puppies two days before that on September 9th. Momma had 4 little girls, 3 of which were placed in wonderful homes. But the 4th (and cutest I must say)was still here. Then one day my husband Vince said "She's not going anywhere" and Glory became the 6th addition to the Giammusso minpin family. Will she be the last? We will never tell! If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

New Family Photo

June 2000
Giammusso Minpins

This is the newest set of photos of the whole family. We are very proud of them!


June 2000, Bambi looks better than ever!
Bambi June 2000

Just took this photo of Bambi, doesn't she look great!.

There is a ANOTHER NEW addition at our house!

Like our friends say...5 is the magic number!

Meet Bambi, our angel rescued from a nasty puppymill!
Bambi Now

In December, 1999 a puppymill was thankfully closed down in rural Ohio. Of the over 100 dogs found living in deplorable conditions, there were 25 Miniature Pinschers. The call went out for help to foster these scrawny, sickly dogs. My husband Vince said saddle up and we were on our way for a 9 hour one-way ride.

These dogs had a guardian angel name Rie, who took all she could get her hands on. She took them straight to her vet, scrubbed and bathed them and dipped them all for the mange they were suffering from. Thank you Rie for all you did and continue to do.

Vince & I were fortunate enough to bring home and foster two puppies and two adult females. The puppies were in good health, but the females had sarcophic mange and ear mites. Since these are highly contagious, they remained quarantined from our dogs for over a month.

Xena, the healthier of the two did very well. Bambi on the other hand had no hair on her body and was frightend of everything from a dog barking to footsteps. She eventually has grown to show some trust in us, and is getting better everyday. She now has some peachfuzz growing on her and it seems she will be a chocolate.

Vince & I have decided that she has already been through enough and we don't want her to have to go through the stress of learning to trust all over again. (She still has a long way to go with us) So we are going to make her the fifth (and final) addition to our family.

If you would like information regarding the adoption of rescued Miniature Pinschers, please visit our website at Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.

Meet Lucy!
Lucy on Couch

My name is Brackley Lady on Fire, Lucy for short. My Grandma Wendy brought me here from Texas to my new home in New Jersey. I have a sister and two brothers. They think they're the bosses, but I'll show them who's boss. I was born on 9/2/99. Look for stories from me in the future.

The Kids

Max, Nikki, Lucky & Dallas

The Kids

Hi. We're the Giammusso kids. I'm Max, the oldest guy in this picture. I have two brothers and a sister. My brothers are Lucky & Dallas. Sadly, Lucky, the big guy and I got into a fight, (like brothers do) and Lucky hurt me more than my Mom and Dad thought was safe. I know he didn't do it on purpose, but Mom & Dad decided we shouldn't live together any more. So Lucky is now living across the street from us. Mom & Dad go and visit him all the time, but I'm still mad so I haven't seen him yet. Dallas is the little red brat. My sister is Nikki. She is sitting to the front right. Lucky now has his own web page Click Here to read all about him.

The Three Stooges

My mom and dad are Nancy & Vince Giammusso (Whew, what a name). They got my brothers Dallas & Lucky (He's still my brother, even though he doesn't live with us anymore.) from a rescue group named IMPS Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. The people who are members of IMPS are dedicated to helping Miniature Pinschers who have been abandoned, abused or just turned in by owners who could not handle them.

So, if you ever decide you would like to be owned by a Miniature Pinscher THINK RESCUE! There are a lot of good dogs, just like us, that need good loving homes.

Dallas Banner


Hi. My name is Dallas. I came into my Mommy and Daddy's life on December 20, 1998. Me and my pal Elvis were staying at this nice shelter in Kingston, NY for a little while, but we wanted some extra love. So some really nice people took us for a long ride and we ended up at Mom & Dads. The next day, they took Elvis to meet his new family, but I did not have a family yet. So I gave my cutest looks and cuddled up with Mom & Dad and they decided to keep me. YEAH!!! I now have two brothers and a sister. I like them a lot, even if they are bigger than me. Now, thanks to the people at IMPS, I have a warm, happy, loving home.

NY Boys

That's Elvis on the Left and Me, Dallas on the Right

Max and Nikki

Max & Nikki

Max Panel

Maximum "G" Force (Max)

Hi! My name is Max. I was born on March 13, 1997. I live with my Dad & Mom in Sicklerville, NJ. According to my dad, he had been trying to talk my mom into having me for a couple of months. She was afraid she would be allergic and kept telling him no. Then on May 29th, 1997, my Dad saw me and my sister. It was love at first sight. He really wanted to take my sister home too, but he thought one surprise would be enough for my mom. He brought me home in a big white truck. I was so nervous that my mom wouldn't like me that I threw up all over the seat. My Dad kept telling me I had to make a good impression on her so that I could stay. When she came home that day, at first she wouldn't even look at me. She kept telling Daddy to take me back where I came from. But we knew if she would just hold me I could win her over. How could she resist my charm. I put on my cutest face and Daddy put me in her arms and it was over. I was home. (I have had her in the palm of my paw ever since.)

Dad bought a crate for me to sleep in, but since I was so cute, Mom just couldn't resist taking me to bed with her. Well I've been there ever since! (She did try once to make me sleep in the crate, but I just cried and cried and she gave in. I knew it would work!) I make sure that they don't smother each other by sleeping right in the middle of them. I snuggle under the covers with my Dad & Mom every night.

One of my favorite things to do is to guard my house. My humans were kind enough to put the couch right in front of the window. I stand guard up there whenever they are not home (After all I am the man of the house). And you can bet that when strangers hear my bark, no one messes with my house.

I have a cousin named CJ. She's a Border Collie. We were both born around the same time. She may be bigger than me, but she's not badder! Her Mom has a pool in the back yard. CJ really likes to go swimming. One day when we were running around, I wasn't paying much attention and ran right into it. My Mom jumped in with all her clothes on to save me. (Really now, who do they think invented the doggy paddle? A cat?) I make sure I am more careful now. CJ might like the water, but I haven't made up my mind yet.

Things were going great. I had trained my humans on when to rub my belly and when to give me treats, and then without even asking me my Dad brought home this little runt. He told me to call her Nikki, but I just call her runt. I guess she is pretty cute, (for a girl dog), but she sure is noisy. She yips, and yips at me, so I just jump up on the couch or the bed because she can't reach them (yet). I like to tease her.

Nikki Panel

Vinnysnag Nikita (Nikki)

Hi! My name is Nikki. I was born on August 29, 1997. My big brother says I am a runt. I don't care. I rather be a runt than "big boned". I weigh around 8 lbs. now. I don't think I am going to get any bigger. But who needs big, when you have no fear.

When I came home in December, it was so cold. I was only 3 lbs. My Mom kept taking me outside and telling me to "go potty" (Whatever that is). But I could not stop shivering. My big brother Max showed me how to use the "dog door" and as soon as I knew where it was, I never stayed out in the cold. My Mom would would get so mad at me. Once I got used to my new home, and my brother Max, I decided that I would show them who the boss was! I sure did that! You can ask anybody. I am the queen of this castle and don't anyone forget it.

Click Below to meet the dogs we have fostered for Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.


Click Here to Meet the dogs we have fostered!

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Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc.
Lucky's Page by Teresa
Dawn, Skootchie and Millie
Frodo & Kirra's Page
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